Beagles are a breed of lively, friendly and above average intelligent dogs, but left unaccompanied for too long, they can ruin the house. Certainly, they are not dogs for fans of sitting in front of the TV, because in addition to the company of a human, they also need a lot of exercise to be happy.

Beagleare probably descended from Bloodhound dogs that came to England during the Norman conquest of the British Isles. There, these dogs were crossed with Southern Hounds from southern France.

The name of the new breed - Beagle - has been in use since around 1520, when it was first officially recorded in the chronicles at the court of King Henry VIII.

These dogs gained popularity due to their character traits - extremely durable, with a well-developed hunting instinct and excellent sense of smell, they were used during hunting. However, they were recognized as a separate race only in 1880.

What do Beagles look like

Dogs of this breed are small - they reach the knee of an adult male. At the withers they reach a height of 40 cm, usually weighing no more than 15-18 kg.

They are quite stocky and have short but very strong legs, which they pick up so quickly that they are able to catch up with almost any game.

Their hair is short and the most common is two-color (brown and white) or three-color - black-brown and white. Their life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Beagle: character

Beagles are extremely intelligent, know what they want and stubbornly pursue their goals. They are friendly by nature and very social.

They are happy to play, they are mischievous, they love children and long hours of frolics together.

It is very difficult to tire them - space is their element and they feel best where they can run, sniff and dig without any obstacles. They get along very well with other dogs, regardless of their breed, size or age.

Their energy seems inexhaustible, and that's what it is - dogs of this breed need a lot of exercise.

A simple walk is not enough: Beagle has to run out, Apparate - it is worth going to dog playgrounds with him, or arranging an agility area for him in the backyard.

If he has too little exercise, he will certainly use the excess energy at home in a way that is not pleasant for the owners. Unpleasant surprises -e.g. damaged furniture or neighbors angry with the howling of the dog - they can also appear when the Beagle is left alone for too long.

Dogs of this breed do not like loneliness very much and, left alone, can make a lot of mess. That is why in the morning, before leaving for work, it is good to tire Beagle enough to let him, tired of running around, sleep for the next few hours.

Beagles have an innocent appearance, but require good guidance and training from the puppy - otherwise they will try to subjugate the owner and take over the role of the alpha male in the herd, which, given their inherent stubbornness and determination in pursuing their goals, may they finally succeed. That's why they need to know who rules the house from an early age.

It is worth remembering, however, that these are unpredictable dogs - even well-trained dogs, after scenting their prey, succumb to ingrained hunting instincts and are able to chase the rodent into the brush, ignoring the calls of the owner.

Beagle: diet

For centuries, Beagles have satisfied their appetite by feeding on what they hunted. Currently, they can also eat a rodent they meet on a walk (if the owner allows it).

Despite their inconspicuous stature, their appetite is huge. Simply put - they are greedy and know no bounds. Their instincts tell them nothing about it: so they can eat something other dogs would be afraid to touch. In the house where Beagle lives, it is better not to leave any sweets within the dog's reach, because they will certainly quickly disappear in its mouth.

Beagle should get a good quality food, and divide the daily ration into two meals. Due to the tendency of these dogs to gain weight, they should not receive snacks or eat leftovers from their owner's table.

Beagle: he alth and disease

Beagles are characterized by certain diseases that are promoted by their body structure. These dogs are stocky and at the same time have an elongated back and short legs, which makes them prone to discopathy, as well as the so-called Beagle's pain syndrome - an inflammatory disease of the spinal cord.

Other common dog diseases are arteritis, spinal ataxia, and ear infection.

Their beautiful, big eyes are also at risk of various infections: Beagles often suffer from retinal atrophy, glaucoma and atrophic corneal lesions.

Other dog breeds:

  • French Bulldog
  • Pug
  • M altese
  • Labrador retriever
  • Amstaf (American staffordshire terrier)
  • German Shepherd Dog
  • Shih tzu
  • Great Dane
  • Cane corso
  • Border collie
  • English Bulldog
  • BerneseSheepdog (Bernese Mountain Dog)
  • Akita inu
  • St. Bernard
