The nanny is not easy to find. Even if we are looking through a specialized agency. It is hard to find someone whom you can fully trust and entrust your child to. That is why some install wiretaps. They eavesdrop and watch the work of nannies. This is called monitoring. To spy on them or not?
Leaving the child withnannyis a big problem for many. First you have to find her. Thereferences , the renownednanny agency , and the sixth sense come true. But we'll never predict everything. - We hired a student to take care of our son. As it turned out, despite the spring and nice weather, she did not go for walks with the child, but turned on cartoons on TV, and she studied herself for exams - says Anna Ciosek from Warsaw, mother of 2-year-old Antek. - I once came home to get forgotten work papers. Already in the corridor I heard the screams of the nanny. She scolded my child, who as it turned out spilled the juice on the floor - complains Magda Jastrzębska from Poznań, mother of 3-year-old Oliwka.
Nanny behind the closed door
Parents often do not know about such situations, especially with little children who cannot speak yet and will not complain. Even minor bruises can be explained by, for example, a fall of a child. That is why you need to be constantly vigilant and check the nanny's work. Children who are treated improperly later suffer their whole lives. - Such behavior affects the psyche of the youngest - says Jolanta Lewandowska, a psychologist. - Let's ask older children what they did with the nanny, how they spent their time. In the case of younger children, we should pay attention to their behavior: how they react to the sight of the babysitter, are they scared, have they started shouting at others, hitting teddy bears, getting wet etc. also be the effect of improperly exercised care over them.
Protection or paranoia?
Hiring a nanny means letting a stranger into our house. There are cases of disappearance of small things, jewelry, money. However, we are not always able to prove the theft or we wonder if we have lost the item ourselves.
Modern technology enables us to protect ourselves against dishonest and inappropriate nannies. - There is a large number of devices on the market that allow you to easily and discreetly check what is happening at home afterthe parents leave - says Maciej Nowaczewski, an expert from the store. - Depending on your financial resources, you can use a special dictaphone, GSM wiretap, video recorder, or a wireless camera that transmits live signal via the Internet. The prices of the simplest devices start from PLN 129. It is worth knowing that manufacturers offer ready-made household items with built-in wiretaps. The use of such devices will allow you to make sure about the credibility of the babysitter.
Is it legal?
Eavesdropping and secretly recording people without their knowledge is not allowed. In Poland, only the competent services can do it. - There are no exceptions to this rule. Even if the babysitter is our employee, she must not be recorded without her knowledge and consent. However, there are cases when the nanny herself proposes to use monitoring to check her honesty - explains Krzysztof Rydlak from This solution makes it possible to make sure of the appropriate qualifications of the nanny. There are also parents who deliberately do not inform their caregivers that they are being watched, but they must remember that they are doing it illegally.
Child safety, its proper development and care is a key issue for every parent. Also, not often, mothers can take a childcare leave for fear of losing their job after returning. So it is important to find the right person to look after your children. In addition to the ongoing control of the situation at home, the monitoring and listening devices can also be used during trips and holidays.