Already women in Poland live longer than men, and by 2050 their life expectancy is to increase by another 6 years. Although they can retire at the age of 60, they remain working for much longer to earn a pension which is lower than that of men. What are Polish seniors according to the polls and what problems do they face on a daily basis?
Polish 60+ dominated men
Statistics from the Central Statistical Office of Poland predict that the life expectancy of women in Poland will be 84 years in 2030, and 87 years in 2050. In the same years, men will live on average: 77 and 81 years. The feminization of society will be most visible in the generation of 85-year-olds, among whom there will be as many as 260 women for every 100 men.
Polish 60+ is in debt
Polish women not only live longer, but can also retire faster. This is why their retirement benefits are lower than for male retired people, by as much as 32 percent. So they stay professionally active longer to earn extra money to supplement their budget. Despite this, over 60 percent. Polish women 60+ complain about financial problems. According to the data of the National Court Register, the Polish senior is indebted on average in the amount of PLN 12.3 thousand. zloty. These debts include unpaid bills for rent, electricity, gas, Internet, telephone, RTV subscription, etc., but also liabilities to banks and loan institutions. A Polish senior citizen first spends money on basic needs, treatment and medications, and only then on bills, pleasures, holidays, or increasing the quality of life, e.g. renovation of the apartment, buying new furniture.
Polish 60+ gets sick
Polish seniors complain much more often than seniors about:
- high blood pressure (56%)
- osteoarthritis (47%)
- lower back pain (45%)
- neck pain (33%)
- coronary heart disease (28%)
- thyroid disease (15%)
Among people aged 60+ as many as 44 percent is overweight and 26 is obese!
Polish 60+ is active
Ladies over 60 are much more active than men. They use holiday offers from travel agencies more often, go to the Universities of the Third Age and learn technological novelties. Among the people thatthey participate in lectures and educational classes (for example those conducted at the U3A) as much as 90 percent. are women. Women are also the leaders among computer course graduates, as is the case with physical activities, such as Nordic walking. Why is this happening?
- After retirement for men, the end of professional activity very often means the end of any activity. Women are much more focused on the emotional aspects of the relationship and embedded in the family or local community. It is much easier for them to switch from the daily work system to other activities: universities of the third age, voluntary activities, gardening or helping a friend with a sick hip - says Hanna Sokolnicka, a psychologist and psychotherapist.
Polish 60+ is satisfied with her life!
Despite he alth and financial problems, the Polish senior woman is satisfied with her life, and most with more free time (85%), place of residence (80%) and relationships with people (79%), and the most important values are: he alth (99%!), family (98%!) and honesty (97%!).