If you want he althy legs, you need to take care of your veins. It is neither difficult nor time consuming. Take a look at your habits and make some adjustments to avoid varicose veins.
1. Do not wear too tight clothes - you will avoid varicose veins
Many women try to correct their figure with the help of corsets, slimming underwear, tights. This is unhe althy - in tightly compressed veins, blood cannot flow freely to the heart, which is conducive to varicose veins. Avoid tight-fitting pants or skirts that tight to the waist.
2. Avoid the sun if you don't want varicose veins
High temperature causes vasodilation and pooling of blood. Therefore, do not lie in the sun. If you have no problems with your legs, sunbathe while moving. People with swollen legs havespider veinsorvaricose veinsshould sunbathe in the shade. Protect your feet from the sun even when you spend the summer in the city - wear airy pants and long skirts.
3. Change your position frequently to avoid varicose veins
Avoid standing or sitting for a long time, as this obstructs the flow of venous blood towards the heart. If you are standing at work, step in place or shift your weight from one leg to another, tiptoe, do some sit-ups. If you have a sedentary job, choose a comfortable chair (the weight of the body should rest on the buttocks, not on the thighs, feet must not hang in the air), put a footrest under the desk. Don't cross your feet, don't sit on your feet. From time to time move your fingers, make small circles, walk for a moment.
4. Walk, swim, play soccer
Physical activity improves circulation and strengthens muscles. It is worth taking advantage of this time of year for a daily walk. It is about walking with a vigorous step. You can replace regular walking with Nordic walking. If you have the opportunity, hop on your bike. In addition, it regulates the work of the diaphragm, thanks to which the blood flows smoothly from the legs to the heart. Swimming is a good sport - it combines muscle training with hydrotherapy, which improves blood flow in the veins. Choose your favorite physical activity and exercise regularly at least 3 times a week. However, remember that the veins do not like being forced too much, so exercise at a moderate pace. If you are prone to varicose veins, avoid strenuous hiking, biking, and strength exercise.
5. Watch out for the pullers
The enemies of the veins aretuck-in knee socks, ankle-tight socks and self-supporting stockings. Choose those with wide and not too tight cuffs. If your legs get tired quickly, use tights marked with a spiral drawing around the calf. When your legs swell, you have a hereditary tendency to varicose veins or they have started to form, wear medical knee socks ( tights ) against varicose veins. By compressing the leg in a controlled manner, they support the muscle pump. In order to fulfill their function, they must be selected individually - the doctor (e.g. a family doctor) determines the size and strength of compression (there are 4 compression classes, marked from I to IV). They should be put on in the morning before getting out of bed, lying down and worn all day.
6. Take care of the line
The more you weigh, the more difficult it is to maintain proper circulation, especially in your feet. Abdominal obesity is especially dangerous, because the excess fat in these parts hinders the blood flow from the legs towards the heart. Therefore, do not get overweight. Eat more thick groats, wholemeal pasta and bread. Give up butter, lard, cream, fatty meats and cold meats. Include fish in the menu (their fat protects the circulatory system against atherosclerosis and blood clots). Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible (they provide vitamins and bioflavonoids that seal the vessels, strengthen the veins and protect against varicose veins).
7. Rest upside down
Ideally, they should be above the heart. This makes it easier for the blood to drain. So rest them on a second chair or against a wall. From time to time, make a few bikes, scissors, rings. When you are lying down, place a rolled-up blanket or pillow under your feet. At night, legs should be level with your heart - replace the pillow with a flat pillow.
8. Make stops on your journey
The season for city breaks and vacations is about to begin. You have to remember that nothing hurts your veins more than a long journey. Sitting with lowered legs causes the blood vessels to constrict, which hinders proper blood circulation. This can lead to swelling of the legs and arms, even to thrombosis. To prevent this from happening, take a short break while traveling every 2-3 hours. It is not enough to stop the car, but you have to get out to change position. Stretch, do a few strokes, bends - you will stretch your bones and restore proper circulation. On the plane, take off your shoes, put on comfortable socks, do a few simple exercises with your feet, come on.
9. Leave the pins for special occasions
Shoes for everyday walking should be comfortable - with a wide toe, flexible sole, stable heel from 2 to 5 cm. The calf muscles then work flawlessly, pumping blood upwards. It is worth getting profiled sandals orflip-flops - they will be useful for walks and trips outside the city. The so-called flip-flops are also good. fakirki - massage the feet, improving blood circulation. You can also wear elegant sandals on high heels, but only on holidays. Walking all day in flat shoes is also not very he althy for your legs.
10. Harden your legs
Bathing in cool or warm water is a balm for the legs - then the vessels contract and the blood flows faster. The best solution is to alternate showers with warm (not hot) and cold (not ice-cold) water. Walk along the seashore, lakes. At home - wade in the bathtub (you can add chestnut, arnica, calendula, lavender oil to the water - they help shrink the vessels). Walk barefoot on the grass, sand - this massage improves blood circulation and facilitates the outflow of blood.
monthly "Zdrowie"