Even if you are short on time, you can do some things for your figure. Here's a weight loss diet that only lasts a week. Thanks to it, you can lose weight up to one and a half kilograms. It is a balanced diet, so it provides the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Here's a menu to keep your weekly slimming diet simple.
From time to time it is worth applying a small, short-termdiet.Below we present a seven-day variedmenu , which can be repeated in the following weeks. With a small amount of fat and calories, it provides the necessaryvitaminsand nutrients.
Weekly slimming diet - menu:
(1134 kcal, 27 g fat)
First breakfast:
- half a cup of coffee with half a glass of milk 1.5 percent tr.
- 2 slices of graham with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and a slice of fresh cucumber
- 2 lettuce leaves
2nd breakfast:
- big apple
- natural yoghurt pack (125 g)
- slice of crispbread
- chicken breast (100 g) fried on a teaspoon of olive oil and stewed with a teaspoon of savory
- 2 boiled potatoes with a salad of 3 tomatoes, a little red pepper and a slice of lean white cheese with a glass of orange juice
- salad with 120g fresh or frozen cooked vegetables, half a cup of cooked rice and a thin slice of low fat cheese.
(1100 kcal, 26 g fat)
First breakfast:
- half a cup of coffee with half a glass of milk 1.5 percent tr.
- 2 slices of graham with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of parsley and medium tomato
2nd breakfast:
- pear
- a pack of fruit yoghurt (175 g)
- slice of crispbread
- 2 hake cubes fried in a tablespoon of olive oil
- 2 medium potatoes
- salad made from a glass of white cabbage, small onion, medium carrot, half of celery and a tablespoon of parsley, seasoned with lemon juice, a pinch of sugar, s alt and a teaspoon of basil with a glass of apple juice
- salad of cooked broccoli, a slice of lean ham, topped with 3 tablespoons of natural yoghurt sauce and a teaspoon of mustard
- 2 slices of crispbread with a medium apple
(1240 kcal, 28 g fat)
First breakfast:
- half a cup of coffee with half a glass of milk 1.5 percent tr.
- 2 slices of graham with 2 slices of skimmed yellow cheese
- 2 pineapple slices
2nd breakfast:
half a grapefruit
- natural yoghurt pack (125 g)
- slice of crispbread
- beef stripe (130 g) fried in a teaspoon of olive oil and stewed with onions, carrots and oregano
- 2 potatoes
- 2 boiled leeks with a glass of blackcurrant juice
- tuna salad in its own sauce, 2 tablespoons of peas, 2 tablespoons of corn, half a cup of rice, tomato, tablespoons of chopped onion, seasoned with savory and lemon
Calculate your Daily Calories
(1215 kcal, 25 g fat)
First breakfast:
- half a cup of coffee with half a cup of milk 1.5% background
- 2 slices of graham with 2 slices of chicken sausage
- a small orange or an apple
2nd breakfast:
- fruit salad with apples, nectarines, 10 grapes
- 200 g chicken (skinless), cooked or grilled
- cucumber salad with 1 teaspoon yogurt 0% fat
- 1 medium potato
- 100 g fish in vegetables cold (cod, pollock, hake)
- 3 green lettuce leaves with parsley
- a glass of tomato juice diluted half and half with mineral water.
(1210 kcal, 30 g fat)
First breakfast:
- half a cup of coffee with half a cup of milk 1.5% background
- 2 slices of graham with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese
- tomato
- 2 lettuce leaves
2nd breakfast:
- orange with a packet of natural yoghurt (125 g)
- 2 slices of crispbread
- 2 fried eggs in a tablespoon of olive oil
- 2 medium potatoes
- salad from a glass of grated carrots and less than a glass of peas
- glass of orange juice
- salad of half smoked or baked chicken breast, half a cup of cooked barley, 2 tablespoons of corn and red pepper, seasoned with lemon juice andginger
(1210 kcal, 30 g fat)
First breakfast:
- a cup of natural yogurt with 4 tablespoons of corn flakes, a tablespoon of raisins and a teaspoon of sunflower seeds half a cup of coffee and half a glass of milk 1.5% background
2nd breakfast:
- a glass of milk 1.5% tr. mixed with a glass of strawberries, currants or raspberries
- 2 slices of crispbread
- cod fillet (150 g) sprinkled with lemon juice, seasoned with savory and baked in foil
- 2 potatoes with a cup of white cabbage, half an orange and a slice of pineapple
- 5 stewed mushrooms with onion, mixed with 2 tablespoons of peas, a hard-boiled egg, a tablespoon of light mayonnaise and a tablespoon of chopped parsley
- glass of mineral water
(1130 kcal, 26 g fat)
First breakfast:
- half a cup of coffee with half a glass of milk 1.5 percent tr.
- 2 slices of graham with 2 slices of white lean cheese and 2 teaspoons of low-sugar jam
- peach or pear
2nd breakfast:
- a glass of natural yogurt mixed with a glass of multi-vegetable or tomato juice, a spoonful of parsley and a spoonful of basil
- 2 slices of crispbread
- beef bit (120 g) with oregano, fried in a teaspoon of olive oil
- 2 potatoes
- 3 tablespoons of beetroot without roux
- 6 Brussels sprouts
- glass of apple juice
- salad of half a raw or blanched cauliflower, 2 slices of pineapple, a slice of lean ham and a tablespoon of light mayonnaise, spiced with curry.