During the menopause, the raging hormones make it difficult to keep your figure. In order not to gain weight, it is necessary to revise the current diet. The menopause is a period when you especially need to take care of a rational diet. Thanks to it, you will keep a slim figure and take care of your he alth.

Even if so far you have followed the recommendations of a dietitian and led a sports lifestyle, the changes taking place in the body during themenopausecontribute to weight gain. Fat tends to accumulate in the waist - this is a dangerous area for your he alth. The muscle mass is gradually reduced. The skin loses its elasticity and the body slackens. In addition, there are mood swings leading to snacking - usually sweets. Due to the hormonal swingmenopausethis is not the best time for a spicydiet . What to do to keep your body in shape?

Rules to follow in order not to gain weight during menopause

1.It is necessary to reduce the caloric content of meals - a woman in the menopausal period needs 200-400 kcal less than before. The reason for the lower demand is a slower metabolism. Forget about sweets irrevocably, because the calories they contain quickly turn into fat.
2.Minimize the amount of fat, especially animal fat. When your body stops producing oestrogens that stop cholesterol from building up in your arteries, your risk of atherosclerosis increases. Therefore, it is best not to spread any bread spreads entirely. Instead, add a tablespoon of oil (or olive oil) rich in vitamin E, called the vitamin of youth, to each serving of vegetables. Replace fat milk with a slightly lean, but not completely skimmed milk (not less than 1.5%). For meats, choose those without visible fat, and always remove the skin from poultry. Avoid fried foods. Eat sea fish as often as possible, especially fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
3.Eat the right amount of protein necessary for muscle maintenance. A 50-year-old woman needs 0.8 g of protein per 1 kg of weight daily. So if he weighs 62 kg, he must eat 50 g every day. A cup of natural yoghurt is 5 g of protein, 3 eggs - 20 g. Remember that apart from meat, protein is contained in legumes, fish, some vegetables (eg broccoli). Soy is also an ideal source of protein, which can be successfully replaced with meat at least twice inweek. In addition to valuable protein, soy is also a source of phytohormones that your body needs right now.
4.To avoid osteoporosis, get at least 900 mg of calcium a day, if you are over 50 - 1200 mg. Eat yogurt, milk, cheese, canned sardines. Limit coffee drinking, which leaches calcium. From mineral waters, choose those with calcium content above 150 mg / l (eg Kryniczanka, Galicjanka, Staropolanka).
5.Eat vegetables with every meal. The he althiest ones are fresh, but they can also be steamed. The benefit is twofold: they give you satiety, and the fiber contained in them supports the metabolism. When you eat dinner, vegetables should be half the size of your plate. For dinner, replace your sandwiches with vegetable salad (but no mayonnaise, only vinaigrette and a handful of walnuts).
6.During the menopause, exercise is not only beneficial because it burns calories. Thanks to physical activity, circulation improves, the level of bad cholesterol decreases, and the joints "do not rust", which is of key importance in the prevention of osteoporosis. Enrich the menu with phytoestrogens - plant substances with an effect similar to estrogens. They alleviate the symptoms of menopause. You'll find them in soybeans and its products (such as tofu cheese), beans and other legumes, linseed oil, whole grains, bean sprouts, and sunflower seeds. Avoid s alt, highly processed foods and cold cuts are abundant in it.

You must do it

Sample menu1200 kcal
breakfast250 kcal: egg, tomato, 2 slices of wholemeal bread (70 g)
2nd breakfast150 kcal - cocktail of kefir (200 ml) and seasonal fruit with a spoon (5 g) of bran or wheat germ
lunch350 kcal: soybeans (50 g) with tomato sauce and vegetables, lettuce with a spoonful of olives, tomato and nuts (15 g)
afternoon tea150 kcal : carrot salad (150 g) with orange, mung bean sprouts and raisins (15 g)
dinner300 kcal: salad: half a head of lettuce, tomato, half a cucumber, red pepper (50 g), roasted chicken breast (70 g) with a sauce of 2 teaspoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of mustard, a clove of garlic and lemon juice, a slice of wholemeal bread (40 g).

In the period of menopause, be careful with "light" products

You reach for them, counting that they are low in calories, so they will help you lose weight. This is partially true. In fact, for a product to be labeled "light", it must be reduced by at least 30%. the content of at least one ingredient (compared to a traditional product). Most often it is fat or sugar, which significantly reduces the amount of calories. Unfortunately, oftenthe manufacturer, by reducing the amount of one ingredient, increases the content of another. Traps are, for example, "light" sweets, where sugar is replaced with fat. Effect: there is no sugar at all (there is a sweetener), but the calorific value is higher!

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