The body gets more benefits from natural vitamins, that is, from vegetables and fruits than from their synthetic equivalents. This is because, apart from vitamins with food, we also provide the body with other compounds that are not in the pills.

Almost everyonevitaminsprovide us with freshvegetablesandfruit . Except for vitamin D, which is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight (some of it also in marine fish), and B12 - it is only found in animal products. The body benefits more from natural vitamins than from their chemical counterparts. This is because, in addition to eating vitamins, we also supply the body with other compounds that are not found in pills. Some of them extend the durability of vitamins, others facilitate their absorption and even enhance their action. For example, flavonoids contained in some fruits (chokeberry, blueberries, blueberries) extend the life of free radical scavengers, i.e. vitamins C, A, E. So if you ingest a multivitamin, it will not be the same as eating grapes.

Natural vitamins better than synthetic

Synthetic vitamins can be overdosed, which is much more difficult in the case of natural compounds. This is especially true of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K. If taken in high doses, they can accumulate in the body and be harmful. Excess vitamin A disrupts the work of the liver, heart and nervous system. In the case of pregnant women, it can lead to malformations of the baby. Vitamin D overdose may result in chronic fatigue, weight loss, and in extreme cases calcification of soft tissues, e.g. kidneys, heart, lungs or blood vessels. Excessive amount of vitamin E causes weakness, drowsiness, deterioration of muscle function, and vitamin K - leads to anemia, jaundice and brain damage. Water-soluble vitamins, the excess of which is excreted from the body in the urine, also have side effects if overdosed. Vitamin C can damage the kidneys and vitamin B6 can damage the nerves. The issue of the safety of synthetic vitamins is becoming more and more controversial. Some studies show that vitamins A and E, instead of reducing the risk of death, may even increase it.

Vitamins invaluable for life

Vitamins are organic compounds necessary for life (from Latin vita, meaning life, andamine - the name of an organic compound containing a basic amino group NH2). They don't provide calories, but the body needs them to convert nutrients into energy. Deprived of vitamins, it grows old quickly, loses strength and falls ill. They are not a building material, but no cell can live without them. It is thanks to vitamins and enzymes that the complicated process of processing the food provided, slowly breaking it down into simpler substances and absorbing it by the body takes place.
The presence of vitamins in the body and their role in metabolism was not discovered by medicine until the beginning of the 20th century. Previously, it was believed that we only needed proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and water for growth and all our vital functions. Since then, we have already learned about a dozen vitamins. They include fat-soluble (A, D, E and K) that the body stores in its tissues, so you don't need to supply them every day, and water-soluble (C, group B) - they cannot be stored, so you need them every day refill.

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