A one-day diet after the holiday overeating will also be useful if you are very careful about what you eat. It is enough to try 12 dishes - plus desserts, fruit and alcohol - and the problem is ready. Christmas Eve is a huge challenge for the digestive system. As a result, you suffer from indigestion, stomach pains and you suffer from migraines.
The one-day diet after Christmas overeatingis to alleviate the effects of indulging greed. Often, during the Christmas Eve, you feel the holiday overeating, and there are still two days ahead of you at the richly laid tables. No wonder that the next day we suffer: flatulence, stomach pains, nausea, migraine. Really the effects of overeating can be annoying. And yet, during Christmas, nobody wants to consult a doctor.
One-day overeating diet: rules
Drink plenty of mineral water throughout the day. Water helps the liver to cleanse the body of toxic compounds (e.g. after drinking alcohol). In addition, it speeds up digestion and provides the body with sodium and magnesium (especially important when drinking alcohol, which flushes these micronutrients out of the body). During the day, drink an infusion of mint, which has a soothing or even anesthetic effect on the digestive system. You can drink 2-3 glasses. The more fluids that day, the better.
Wake up like new the next day.