The Big Family Card - after the regulations change - can be granted to anyone who has ever had at least three children to support. It is also a chance for savings for today's seniors.
- Big Family Card: what does it give seniors? The current list of KDR partners
- Big Family Card: how to get it? How much it costs? How to use it?
The Big Family Cardis available to more and more people. The amendment to the Act on the Large Family Card as of January 1, 2022 expanded the group of people en titled to use KDR.
Today, it can be used by anyone who has ever - now or in the past - had at least three children to raise. It can be either father or mother, as well as stepfather or stepmother. Only the deprivation of parental authority or its limitation as a result of placing the child in foster care is excluded from the right to the Large Family Card.
Big Family Card: what does it give seniors? The current list of KDR partners
The Big Family Card gives discounts for train journeys - 37% for single tickets and 49% for monthly tickets. This is good news especially for young seniors who are not en titled to other age-related benefits. It also guarantees a 50% discount on the passport fee.
This will be appreciated not only by people who go on long trips, but also for the parents of adult children who left Poland (even for work) outside the Schengen Area. The third important group of discounts are rebates for 2.5 thousand. Orlen, Lotos, Shell and Bliska gas stations. Due to high fuel prices, the discount from 8 to 10 groszy per liter is a matter of special importance for the wallet.
In addition, there are approx. 23 thousand Big Family Card partners, i.e. entities offering KDR holders smaller and larger discounts - usually in the range from 5 to 20% compared to regular prices.
What can we find among them? 1000 grocery stores and 2000 stores with industrial articles, offering, among others clothing and footwear (up to 1400), electronics and household appliances, automotive and household chemicals. 250 online stores with a diverse business profile.
Over 600 stationary stores and supermarketsoffering renovation and construction products and home furnishings. It is worth emphasizing here that PGNiG offers holders of the Large Family Card up to 3,000. surcharge for the purchase of a new gas boiler.
KDR partners also include 6,500 small and large service enterprises, incl. banks, insurance companies (for example, in PZU discounts from 10 to 30% when buying insurance), law firms and accounting and bookkeeping offices, also hairdressing and cosmetic companies, car and repair workshops, renovation and construction companies and cleaning teams.
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Transporters create separate groups - incl. taxi corporations and bus operators. For KDR holders, plane flights are also cheaper - LOT offers a 10% discount when buying air tickets and many 50% cheaper additional services. Discounts were also prepared by entrepreneurs in the communications area, including numerous representatives of the largest telecommunications companies throughout the country (2,300 addresses).
The Large Family Card program also includes over 1,200 clinics, doctor's offices and other medical service providers (including rehabilitation laboratories), as well as nearly 700 pharmacies, medical and rehabilitation stores.
The Big Family Card is honored in 2000 entities related to education, also offering training or individual lessons. The KRD partners also include almost 600 cultural institutions - museums, art galleries, dramatic and opera theaters, philharmonics and cinemas, as well as cultural centers with often a rich offer.
Over 500 sports stores. As many as 56 travel agencies. Almost 600 resorts, over 700 sports and recreation centers and almost 400 facilities providing various types of sports services. Finally - almost 500 bars, 550 restaurants, over 600 cafes and 230 other eateries, also at an affordable price level.
The full, up-to-date list of KDR partners - points honoring the Large Family Card can be found at The search engine located there allows you to easily and conveniently search for entities from the category we are interested in, and (thanks to the map) to get to know various types of KDR partners in the vicinity.
Points offering discounts for KDR holders are also marked with stickers "Here we honor the Large Family Card"
Big Family Card: how to get it? How much it costs? How to use it?
Cards are issued by village heads, city mayors and presidents. An application for KDR should be submitted to the commune corresponding to the place of residence (regardless of the place of residence), to the institution dealing with KDR - information on this can be obtained from the commune office.
The application form can be obtained at the office or downloaded from the website The KDR application can also be submitted online - on the Emp @ tia website operated by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy.
In this case, however, it is necessary to have an electronic signature or a (free) trusted profile.
The Large Family Card, depending on the user's wishes, can be issued to him in a traditional form (then it will resemble a plastic payment card or ZUS ID card) or in an electronic form (to be presented on mobile devices, primarily on smartphones).
Issuing the first card - regardless of the chosen form - is free of charge. The issue of the second (i.e. a duplicate or a card in a form other than the first, electronic or traditional, respectively) requires a fee of approx. PLN 9.
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