You are 40 years old and you are anxiously watching your body change. Less and less muscle mass, more and more fat folds. Hormonal changes and slower metabolism make themselves felt. Compared to the period of adolescence, the body's need for energy decreases by 25%. This is why, even though you are not eating any more, you are putting on weight.

In the periodmenopausethe level of sex hormones decreases. Atherosclerotic changes resulting from the reduction of the concentration of "good"cholesterolHDL also intensify. At this age, physical activity usually decreases, we move less and rest on the couch more often. This has consequences - the efficiency of the muscles of the entire body, including the heart muscle, decreases. The regeneration of the epidermis worsens, the skin loses its elasticity, which is why a special diet is needed.

Diet over 40 will ease symptoms of menopause

It is diet that plays a key role in menopause. Unhe althy, unbalanced nutrition can cause many unpleasant symptomsmenopause . Many women then consume too much sugar, caffeine, s alt and alcohol, and highly processed foods. In such a situation, even supplementing and enriching the diet with the above-mentioned products will not be able to reduce the already existing perimenopausal conditions. Thanks to the right model of nutrition, you can support the woman's body in this difficult period, and thus alleviate many unpleasant ailments.

Quantity and quality in the diet after the age of 40

When balancing the diet, special attention should be paid to the quantity and quality of food consumed. That is why a lady over 40 should give up fatty meat, butter, snacks and sweets (at most 1 piece of chocolate per day). Pork is best replaced with lean beef, poultry, fish and seafood. You should also make sure that you eat less sweet fruit (they contain a lot of sugar) and more various vegetables. Consume all foods in moderation and do not overeat. It's best to get up from the table with a slight feeling of dissatisfaction.

What do you need

Hormone deficiency and related ailments can be alleviated by phytohormones contained in plant products, mainly in legumes. It is worth reaching for soybeans and lentils -they also contain lecithin, which improves the ability to concentrate. Your skin now needs a diet with A and B vitamins and fluids. You will find vitamin A in dairy products, yellow and green fruits and vegetables (bananas, apricots, peaches, peppers, carrots). Whole grain products are rich in B vitamins: wholemeal bread, thick groats, nuts. For mature women, due to the risk of osteoporosis, increased calcium intake is of significant importance. Therefore, the diet must not lack milk and its products.

Don't forget about sports

People with sleep problems often eat at night, which leads straight to gaining weight. Therefore, at this age, it would be very useful to exercise, which not only improves the condition, but also the mood, and regulates the metabolic rate. Instead of going to work by bus or car, it is worth taking a walk. After work, treat yourself to a bit of luxury and go to aerobics. At the weekend, don't just do cleaning and cooking, but make time for a bike trip or a walk.

What every 40-year-old should know:

  1. Eat 4-5 small meals a day.
  2. Prepare your own meals.
  3. Choose fresh and high-quality products.
  4. Give up highly processed foods.
  5. Place the cleaned carrots and celery stalks next to the TV, instead of peanuts or chips.
  6. Try not to eat dinner after 7 p.m.

The menu, after the age of 40, cannot be missing:

  • lean poultry and various marine and freshwater fish - they are easy to digest and provide protein,
  • wholegrain cereal products - they have many vitamins and valuable fiber,
  • vegetables - they are low in calories, improve intestinal peristalsis, speed up and regulate digestion,
  • lean dairy products - milk and dairy products (kefir, yoghurt, cottage cheese, cheese) - provide protein and calcium,
  • liquids: water, weak tea, vegetable and fruit juices - are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
