Nutritionists warn - eating too much fruit can also lead to obesity. Therefore, before we reach for apples, bananas or oranges, let's think what and in what amounts you can eat.

Fruitis undoubtedly a source of he alth and vitamins, as well as essential minerals, water anddietary fiber . They also containsimple sugars , which are a source of energy, organic acids and antioxidant substances used in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Moreover, they are tasty. No wonder that we are so eager to reach for them.

How many fruits can you eat daily

It is worth remembering that fruits contain large amounts of simple sugars, which can cause fluctuations in blood glucose levels and increase body weight. During the day, an adult should eat about 300 grams of fruit spread over 2 or 3 servings. The most caloric fruits are bananas (about 150 calories), followed by grapes - half a kilo is almost 400 kcal, which is the average packet of chips. Dates are also extremely caloric - 100 grams of these fruits contain 280 calories. Also, be careful about figs, avocados and coconuts. Among the dried fruits, raisins are the most fattening - 100 g of raisins are about 300 kcal. Dried pears, pineapples and mangoes are also high in calories. Fruits with lower fructose content include plums, wild strawberries, currants, raspberries, papaya, melon, watermelon, grapefruit, lemon and orange.

Watch out for juices!

The latest research shows that fructose shifts our metabolism to produce fat. Drinking a glass of juice for breakfast means that our body begins to convert into fat not only the morning meal, but also the next ones. What's more - too much sugar in the blood leads to the destruction of proteins that we have previously eaten. However, this does not mean that you should avoid fruit completely. According to dietitian Michel Montignac, they must not be simply combined with normal food, and pasteurized fruit juices, which are sweetened with glucose-fructose syrup, should disappear from our diet at all.

Fruits and allergies

According to nutritionists, fruit should be especially cared for by people suffering from diabetes or people with food allergies and digestive ailments. Diabetics caneat about 250 grams of fruit a day, spread over several smaller portions so as not to cause an increase in blood glucose levels. Allergy sufferers must especially be careful with tropical fruits, which may additionally contain, for example, fungicides. People with a sensitive digestive system must take into account that fruit acids may irritate the gastric wall.

Don't do that

Just three glasses of orange juice can fill the liver's glycogen stores. This is when enzymes send a signal to the body that "the warehouse is full". Then the remaining part of unused fructose is converted into fatty acids and stored in the form of reserve material.
