Melatonin, also known as the hormone of darkness, regulates the circadian rhythm of every human being. Its deficiencies have a negative impact on the quality of life. Check how you can tell if your body is running low on melatonin. Here are 7 symptoms that indicate a dark hormone deficiency.
Melatoninis a hormone mainly produced by the pineal gland in the brain. However, it is important to know that its small amounts are also secreted by the retina and the lens of the eye, the intestinal epithelium and blood cells. Melatonin is a derivative of serotonin, associated with the happiness hormone. The greatest amounts of melatonin are produced in the dark - between 24.00 and 3.00 a.m., while light reduces its production. It is one of the elements of the human biological clock, and thus regulates the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.
Correct melatonin concentration
Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone in the human body. However, its concentration in blood serum depends on age. Its highest occurs in childhood, and after puberty it begins to decline.
The correct concentration of melatonin in the human body is as follows:
- children from 1 to 3 years old - 250 pg / ml
- in adolescence from 8 to 15 years of age - 120-180 pg / ml,
- adults - 70-80 pg / ml,
- elderly people between 65 and 85 years old - 20-30 pg / ml.
7 symptoms of melatonin deficiency in the body
- Sleep and wake rhythm disorders- melatonin is a hormone naturally secreted in the human body. When this process starts to go wrong, melatonin stops regulating the daily sleep-wake cycle. Lack of sleep makes us feel sleepy and tired, and the body begins to experience a number of unfavorable changes.
- Problems with concentration- disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, resulting from melatonin deficiency, result in decreased concentration, irritability, decreased well-being and headache. It becomes more and more difficult to focus on the activity performed, and thus the efficiency and effectiveness of work or learning significantly decrease.
- Reducing the body's immunity- constant lack of sleep, fatigue and a deteriorated well-being affect the deterioration of the body's immunity, which may contribute to the development of more serious diseases.
- Brain disorders- melanin deficiency in the body often contributes to brain disorders - epileptic seizures, hallucinations, and even the development of depression. In winter, when the amount of light is much smaller, we can talk about the formation of winter depression, which is a consequence of the appearance of melatonin in the body at bad times.
- Deterioration of physical condition- too low concentration of melatonin also manifests itself with deterioration of physical condition and constant fatigue.
- Worsening of symptoms of comorbiditiesmay indicate melatonin deficiency in the body.
- Development of diseases of the cardiovascular system- long-term and untreated melatonin deficiency has a negative impact, among others on the work of the heart. So, problems with the cardiovascular system could be a sign of a hormone deficiency.
Testing the level of melatonin in the body
Problems with sleep, concentration disorders or poor well-being are an indication for a melatonin concentration test in the body.
The test is performed on three samples of saliva collected during the night, for which a special kit is required, available in specialized analytical laboratories.
How to supplement melatonin deficiency in the body?
Sleep and circadian rhythm disorders are an indication for taking over-the-counter medications with melatonin available at a pharmacy.
These are substitutes for the melatonin produced by our body. They restore the balance of the circadian rhythm, but do not affect the structure of sleep, and thus sleep is close to natural.
In the case of sleep disorders, the dose of melatonin taken is 0.5 mg to 3 mg an hour before bedtime. However, any use of melatonin products (even over-the-counter ones) is a good idea to consult a doctor.
Contraindications to the use of melatonin
Although melatonin is available over the counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist before using it to find out who should not be using it.
Melatonin should not be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women, children, people after drinking alcohol and those who are allergic to it.
People with epilepsy, depression, renal and hepatic dysfunction, hormonal problems and those taking anticoagulant drugs should consult. The drug may cause some side effects, e.g. headache, hivesbody, daytime sleepiness.