I will start with the fact that I studied English and during my studies, when I returned home, I spoke half a sentence in Polish and half in English, completely unconsciously. After college, it slowly normalized, I forgot single Polish words and replaced them with English (and vice versa). I had one exam, which was a trauma for me, I was supposed to express my opinion in English on the subject given by the examiner. I don't remember him well. Now I have started new studies, which are not related to English, and for a long time, when I talk to someone, when I say a sentence, I sometimes change a word wrongly. It's not common, but I've already started to notice it myself. Of course, I am aware that I have spelled a given word incorrectly and I correct it immediately. I'm afraid that this is something more serious and that I should do a CT scan of the head. But perhaps this is due to bilingualism.
Bilingualism can indeed have an effect on errors in inflection. You do not write about the percentage of the use of both languages, which you use more often when communicating with people. Because if you use both Polish and English, errors may appear. The question is also if they happen when speaking English and what is their nature. If you feel concerned, I would suggest consulting a specialist (speech therapist, preferably specializing in bilingualism), first of all for a thorough diagnosis, because further treatment in your case depends on it.
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Katarzyna BąkowiczSpecialist in the field of media communication. She conducts individual therapy with adults and children, workshops for working with the body, voice and breath, training for companies.
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