Preparations supporting memory are most often sought before the final exams and session. The elderly also reach for memory and concentration supplements. The beneficial ingredients contained in them, such as Japanese ginkgo, caffeine and lecithin, improve concentration and improve the work of the brain. Therefore, preparations supporting memory can serve each of us.
Preparations supporting memory
Memory supplementscontain vitamins and minerals that can improve memory and other brain functions. However, some preparations work better than others. All because each of us has different genes and a natural ability to remember. Each of us also uses a different diet that affects our brain cells. Therefore, before buyingmemory-boosting preparations , it is worth doing research and finding out what minerals are missing.
Preparations supporting memory - Japanese ginkgo
Japanese ginkgo , orginkgo-biloba , contains flavonoids whose antioxidant properties reduce the damage caused by aging brain cells. Some studies have shown that ginkgo-biloba extract prevents protein build-up in the brains of Alzheimer's patients (e.g. GinkoPrim).
Tablets for memory and concentration - lecithin
Lecithinis part of the cell membranes of the nervous system, therefore it improves not only memory and concentration, but also the state of nervous tension.
Supplements for memory and concentration - ginseng
Ginsengis intended for people who study and work intensively mentally, e.g. high school graduates and students. The tablets for memory and concentration, which contain ginseng, are perfect for stressful situations, e.g. during an exam (e.g. Bodymax ginseng).
Preparations supporting memory - caffeine
Caffeinereduces the level of mental fatigue, and thus refreshes our memory and improves concentration. Thanks to it, every high school graduate will remember the most important information, hidden in the recesses of memory (e.g. Cardiamid with caffeine - lozenges).
Best drugs for memory - guarana
Extract of vinesguarana contains caffeine, which stimulates the body to act in states of increased mental effort. Guarana contains 4 times more caffeine than regular coffee and keeps the mind awake for 6-7 hours, which is much longer than traditional memory pills. These types of tablets cannot be taken with coffee and alcohol (e.g. Diablo-Guarana).
Supplements supporting memory and concentration - tran
Tran , the fat obtained from cod or shark liver, strengthens the immune system and supports the work of the brain.
Drugs for memory and concentration - linseed oil
Linseed oilis intended for intensive learners and the elderly, because it has a positive effect on memory and concentration. Linseed oil contains a whole list of beneficial unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6. Linseed oil can be taken as capsules or as an addition to salads.