The Gołdap he alth resort is located on the outskirts of Poland, only 3 km from the border with the Kaliningrad District. However, it is still worth going there. The Gołdap he alth resort is famous for the cleanest air in Poland. Patients are also attracted by graduation towers and pump rooms of healing waters, as well as a rich treatment base.
Gołdap He alth Resortis located in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, almost at the very edge of Poland, about 3 km from the Polish-Russian border. The Gołdapskie Lake runs through it, over which, in the Kumiecie forest, there is a tourist and recreational center with bathing and sandy beaches, as well as a he alth resort.
Gołdap He alth Resort - healing properties
Gołdap He alth Resort was officially established in 2000, but the healing qualities of this small town began to be appreciated in the 1960s. It was then discovered that it had unusually clean air (until today the cleanest in Poland!) And high-quality water groundwater (which at greater depths are equal to the mineral quality), numerous green complexes and lakes - including the Romnicka Forest and the popular Gołdapskie Lake - as well as peloid deposits located in the vicinity of the village of Niedrzwica. These are not the only he alth advantages of the town of Gołdap. In 2014, brine graduation towers were built here (the fourth in Poland and the only one in the area), around which the air is saturated with numerous healing elements, such as: iodine, bromine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium and fluorine. The climate of this he alth resort is described as lowland-forest, moderately stimulating.
Gołdap he alth resort - spa facilities
In the area of the Gołdap he alth resort there is a Non-Public He althcare Center "Wital" He alth Resort.
Worth knowingWhen in the Gołdap he alth resort, it is worth going east to the Romnicka Forest Landscape Park (part of this forest complex is within the borders of Poland, and the rest in the Kaliningrad District). In turn, to the south, there are post-glacial moraine hills called Szeskie Hills. The monumental viaducts in Stańczyki, known as the "aqueducts of the North", are also an attraction for tourists. In turn, in the Kumiecie forest you can visit the remains of the bunkers of the Luftwaffe headquarters from World War II.
Gołdap He alth Resort - treatment profile
Spa stays (also with referral fromNFZ) and rehabilitation stays (also for people co-financed from PFRON funds).
Orthopedic and traumatic diseases, rheumatology, respiratory, nervous, cardiological, digestive, female diseases and obesity are treated here.
Gołdap He alth Resort - he alth offer
Gołdap He alth Resort offers numerous treatments in the field of light and electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound therapy, thermotherapy, hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, aerosol therapy and kinesiotherapy. In addition, in the Gołdap he alth resort, you can take advantage of various therapeutic massages, psychological rehabilitation and perform medical examinations.
ImportantGołdap - tourist information
The Tourist Information Center in Gołdap is located in the very center of the city at Plac Zwycięstwa 16 in Gołdap. More information at