Iwonicz-Zdrój he alth resort is famous for its healing waters, which are used for bathing, drinking treatment, inhalation and the production of medicinal s alts. It is the Ionian s alt and peloid that are other natural healing agents used in the spa. Treatments are also favored by a unique microclimate.
Iwonicz-Zdrój he alth resortis located among the green hills of the Low Beskids, in the valley of Iwonicki Potok, at an altitude of 400 m above sea level, in the southern part of the Podkarpackie Province.
Iwonicz-Zdrój he alth resort - healing properties
Iwonicz Zdrój he alth resort is the oldest Polish he alth resort, next to the Lądek one. Its climate is classified as pre-alpine and described as moderately stimulating, enriched with airborne essential oils, ozone, iodine and bromine. However, the main advantages of the spa are the springs of carbonic acid, chloride-bicarbonate-sodium waters with the content of fluorine, bromine, iodine and boron. Their healing properties were already indicated by the court physician of Stefan Batory, Dr. Wojciech Oczko. Until the outbreak of World War II, they were called "the prince of iodine waters". Currently, the waters are exploited only from drilled intakes, because the natural outflow of mineral waters ceased in the 1960s. There are also rich deposits of peloid.
Iwonicz Zdrój he alth resort - spa facilities
There are:
in the spa1) "Uzdrowisko Iwonicz" S.A., to which the "Excelsior" spa hospital belongs, as well as the following sanatoriums: "Biały Orzeł", "Pod Jodłą", "Stare Łazienki", "Ustronie" and he alth resort No. IV The enterprise also owns the He alth Resort Treatment Center. 2) Sanatorium "Stomil-Ziemowit" 3) Sanatorium "Piast" 4) Sanatorium "Sanvit" 5) Sanatorium "Górnik" 6) Sanatorium "Wisła - Margot" 7) Spa sanatorium Farmers' Rehabilitation Center "KRUS"
ImportantWorth seeing
The spa is famous for its Swiss and neoclassical monuments with the Old Bathrooms, Pump Room and the wooden villa Bazar. The forests surrounding the city have been partially transformed into the Spa Park. One of the natural monuments is the Bełkotka spring, a 20-minute walk from the city center. It is a bituminous spill, the only one in the Podkarpacie region of a brine, oil and gas mixture, which is responsible for the name of the spring. Tennis courts, ski facilities,Lifts, downhill and cross-country tracks are only part of the offer for visitors to Iwonicz Zdrój. In Odrzykoń, 22 kilometers away, there are ruins of a castle called Kamieniec, with a wall dividing the castle into two parts, which was immortalized by Aleksander Fredro in "Zemście". Nearby are the Bieszczady Mountains and the open-air museum in Bóbrka with the world's oldest oil wells, the charming Sanok with the Subcarpathian ethnographic park and the royal city of Krosno, which will make the treatment and relaxation even more attractive.
Iwonicz Zdrój he alth resort - treatment profile
In addition to treatment stays and rehabilitation stays (also at the National He alth Fund, Social Insurance Institution and KRUS and with co-financing from PFRON, PCPR, MOPS, MOPRS), you can take advantage of recreational holidays or fitness and slimming stays.
Patients in Iwonicz Zdrój treat neurological, rheumatological, orthopedic and traumatic, gynecological, upper respiratory, digestive, dermatological, obesity and osteoporosis diseases.
Iwonicz Zdrój he alth resort - he alth offer
In the Iwonicz-Zdrój he alth resort, the basic treatments are therapeutic baths, for which mineral water is used. They are also used for inhalation, drinking therapy and for the production of spa products. One of them is Ivonica iodine s alt, obtained by the traditional brewing method since 1867, and used in post-traumatic degeneration, rheumatic, gynecological, neurological and skin diseases (psoriasis). Produced since 1925, the iwonice mud cube is used in chronic inflammations and women's diseases.
In addition, the spa offers massages, cryotherapy, kinesiotherapy, electrotherapy, light therapy, magnetotherapy, paraffin wraps and an iodine-s alt chamber.
This will be useful to youIwonicz Zdrój - tourist information
Iwonicz Zdrój Tourist Information Center, Dietla Square 2, Iwonicz Zdrój www.iwonicz-zdroj.info