Electronic Verification of Beneficiaries' Eligibility, i.e. the popular eWUŚ system, not only allows you to quickly verify your en titlements to free treatment, but also confirms the en titlement of your family members to benefit from NHF services. Who is legally a member of your family and is en titled to NHF benefits?
eWUŚ( Electronic Verification of Beneficiaries' Eligibility ) will make it much easier for us to use the NFZ services, to which the family members of the insured person are also en titled.
The family members of the insured person are:
- parents and grandparents, if they do not have their own en titlement to he alth insurance and stay with the insured in the same household,
- spouses,
- children, own and adopted, grandchildren, foreign children for whom custody has been established or as part of a foster family until they turn 18. If they continue their education, until the age of 26. If the child has a certificate of severe disability or other treated as equal - no age limit
Remember, register your child for he alth insurance
Registering a child for insurance is a statutory obligation. If the child is a family member of the insured person and has been reported to he alth insurance, he or she is en titled to benefits financed by the National He alth Fund.
If the child under the age of 18 is not a family member of the insured person, the state budget will pay for his treatment. However, only if the child is a Polish citizen.
Can grandparents report their grandson as a family member?
A grandfather or grandmother may register a grandson for he alth insurance, but only if neither of the parents is subject to compulsory he alth insurance or is not en titled to he alth care benefits on the basis of e.g. self-employment or voluntary insurance.