Early arthritis, if left untreated, leads to disability and multi-organ complications, and thus - shortens life. Unfortunately, the detection of early arthritis still takes too long, in some cases even several years - emphasized Prof. Brygida Kwiatkowska from the Warsaw Institute of Rheumatology during the Rheumatology 2015 conference.
Early arthritis , if left untreated, can turn into rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus or spondyloarthritis, i.e. arthritis involving the joints of the spine. These diseases can contribute to disability, as well as to the development of complications leading to premature death (e.g. stroke or heart attack). Unfortunately, in Poland, the detection of early arthritis takes too long, from several months to even several years - warns Prof. Brygida Kwiatkowska, head of the Early Arthritis Clinic, Clinical Director, Institute of Rheumatology.
Early arthritis - important early diagnosis
- How quickly we detect inflammatory rheumatic diseases will translate into the effectiveness of treatment - said Prof. Kwiatkowska. Therefore, early diagnosis is very important. According to the recommendations of the European Antirheumatic League (EULAR), the time interval from the appearance of the first symptoms of early arthritis to the initiation of treatment (the so-called therapeutic window) should be 12 weeks, i.e. three months.
In the group of people struggling with RA, half of the sick work after 5 years, and after 10 years - only every fifth patient
Thanks to the quick diagnosis of the disease and the appropriate treatment, the patient can avoid disability and lead an active professional life.
Unfortunately, diagnostic delays in rheumatic diseases are quite long - says prof. Kwiatkowska. Only 10-20 percent. patients with rheumatoid arthritis are diagnosed and treated during these 12 weeks, he adds. Lupus erythematosus patients wait 22-28 months for diagnosis. Patients suffering from spondyloarthritis are in the worst situation - in their case the diagnosis is made even after an average of 5-18 years.
Early arthritis is a disease of young people
It is widely believed that inflammatory diseasesarthritis is a problem for older people. Meanwhile, they most often affect people of working age - up to 30 to 50 years of age ( although there is a known case of arthritis in a 6-month-old child). Young patients who come to their primary care physician with complaints of the musculoskeletal system are usually referred by an orthopedist.
People with inflammation of more than one joint should be referred to a rheumatologist within 6 weeks of the first symptoms of the disease
In turn, those struggling with back pain caused by spondyloarthritis, usually receive a referral to a neurologist - this is one of the reasons why the diagnosis is delayed. Therefore, a patient with initial symptoms of the disease, such as joint swelling, pain and limited mobility of the affected joints should be referred to a specialized center for early diagnosis of arthritis (there are such in Poland) - says Prof. Kwiatkowska. There, an experienced rheumatologist will check whether the patient requires rapid diagnosis for inflammatory rheumatic diseases. - The problem, however, is too long waiting time for the visit - adds the expert.
ImportantEarly arthritis - when to see a doctor as soon as possible?
Swelling of a joint or joints, which is not the result of an injury, should prompt a visit to a rheumatologist - says prof. Kwiatkowska. Another disturbing symptom is back pain, which occurs in the second half of the night and in the morning and disappears after you start moving, he adds. Back pain normally occurs in the evening, after a day of exercise, she emphasizes. This applies to all joints.