The eWUŚ system also verifies children's eligibility for treatment. All children under 18 who are Polish citizens are en titled to free medical treatment. However, they must be reported for insurance.
SystemeWUŚ and treatment of children . Allchildren are en titled tohe alth benefits. The obligationto register their children for insurancerests with the parents and is a statutory obligation. A newborn child must be registered for insurance within 7 days of birth. If the parents are employed full-time, one of them should inform their employer about the birth of the child and register him for insurance, who will immediately report to ZUS. People running a business shall submit the application on their own to the appropriate ZUS branch by completing and submitting the ZUS ZCNA form.
What if the parents aren't insured?
The state budget pays for treating children whose parents are not insured. In this case, the parents are also obliged to register their child for insurance. The state budget pays for the treatment of children of uninsured persons only if they have Polish citizenship.
Do I have to register my children for insurance when changing jobs?
Yes. Each time we finish work in one place, the employer will deregister both us and family members from the insurance. Therefore, all family members whom you want to insure (children, spouses) should be re-registered for insurance in the new workplace.