New system of verification of eligibility for treatment in the National He alth Fund - eWUŚ. From January 1, 2013, when going to the doctor, we do not have to look for a document confirming our insurance. A PESEL number is enough to confirm our right to free treatment by means of the Electronic Verification of Eligibility of Beneficiaries.
The eWUŚsystem collects all data on persons en titled totreatment under the National He alth Fund . It is enough to report to a he alth care facility with an ID card, passport or driving license and provide the PESEL number. The person registering us with the doctor will check withElectronic Verification of Beneficiaries' Eligibilitywhether we are en titled to free medical care.
How does eWUŚ work
Data of persons en titled to treatment financed from public funds, i.e. paying he alth insurance premiums, are entered into the system. These are people employed full-time, people receiving unemployment benefits, people paying contributions for running a business, pensioners and family members of insured persons (registered for insurance): spouses, children, grandchildren and grandparents (if they do not have their own insurance title). The eWUŚ system data is updated daily, so the system records every change immediately.
What to do if eWUŚ does not confirm our right to he alth services
If the Electronic Verification of Beneficiaries' Eligibility System does not confirm our right to treatment under the National He alth Fund, and we are sure that we are en titled to:
- present a document confirming our en titlement to benefits (RMUA declaration),
- write a statement about our right of experience.