GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of NiQuitin tablets, has decided to voluntarily withdraw 125 thousand. packages of NiQuitin tablets and lozenges, available in Polish pharmacies, kiosks and drugstores. Products from defective series will be withdrawn from 18/02/2014 until further notice.
GSK has withdrawn tablets and lozenges from the NiQuitin product line. Slices and NiQuitin Mint Leaves are still available for sale - supplements to the proper therapy.
Why are NiQuitin tablets and lozenges withdrawn?
- This is a consequence of the discovery of deviations from quality standards in the production process of these preparations at the Aiken factory in the United States - says GSK's announcement.
What about people who are using preparations from the withdrawn line? The manufacturer ensures that these people should not be afraid of anything and can easily finish the packaging, because the tablets are 100% safe.
NiQuitin: series retired
GIF.webp (General Pharmaceutical Inspectorate) in the regulation of 18/02/2014 ruled on the immediate withdrawal from sale of NiQuitin MINI lozenges (4 mg and 1.5 mg) and NiQiutin lozenges (2 mg and 4 mg).
On the official website, GIF.webp published the numbers of the withdrawn series.
After receiving the ruling of the Chief Inspectorate, GSK started the process of suspending the sale and withdrawing from the market of tablets and lozenges. This is not the first time that medicinal products and medical devices have been recalled, so the procedure for dealing with such situations is clear.
The GIF.webp decision was sent to all pharmacies in the country on the same day and the products from the defective batch were immediately removed from the shelves. The problem, however, are drugstores, kiosks and gas stations that can sell this type of medicinal product. Despite the assurances that the product code was blocked and sales were suspended at all points of sale, dozens of photos of receipts from people who bought NiQiutin tablets after its withdrawal have been published on social media.