Appropriate bedding for allergy sufferers can significantly improve the quality of life of a person allergic to dust or grass pollen. Hypoallergenic bedding helps to prevent allergy or significantly reduce its symptoms. What bedding for allergy sufferers will ensure a good night's sleep and valuable rest?
Hypoallergenic beddingis an important purchase. People who are allergic often have serious sleep problems due to bothersome symptoms of allergy, which prevent them from having a proper night's rest.
They often don't realize that the rightanti-allergic beddingwould solve their problems.
- Bedding for allergy sufferers - what are dust mites?
- What should the bedding for allergy sufferers be like?
- Hypoallergenic bedding - dense fabric
- Hypoallergenic bedding - antiallergic filling
- Bedding for allergy sufferers - important advice
Bedding for allergy sufferers - what are dust mites?
Inhalation allergy is associated with a stay outside in the period of pollen and grass pollen. However, there are people who have the strongest allergy symptoms at home, and sometimes even in their own bed. The reason for such an allergy are dust mites that live in bedding and mattresses.
Therefore, a very important element of prophylaxis is to take care of good bedding for allergy sufferers, which will keep mites away from the skin and respiratory tract of allergy sufferers.
Dust mites live in house dust (there are several thousand of them in one gram), but they also feel great in a warm and humid environment. That is why the bedding in which we sleep and where dust particles reach, is a perfect place for them to live and reproduce.
The most dangerous for allergy sufferers are their feces and the digestive enzyme they contain, which causes hives, conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, cough and shortness of breath. Research shows that dust mites are also the cause of AD and asthma.
Therefore, people allergic to house dust mites should ensure that their contact with the allergen is kept to a minimum. It is impossible to completely eliminate this allergen, but buying anti-allergic bedding, frequent house vacuuming, use of air purifiers, and getting rid of carpets from the apartment will significantly alleviate the symptoms of allergy to dust mites.
What should the bedding for allergy sufferers be like?
Currently onthere are many types of allergy-free bedding on the market. Hypoallergenic bedding is intended for people with a slight degree of allergy. It is made of natural materials, free from artificial dyes and other substances that could promote allergy.
You can also find anti-allergic and anti-mite bedding on store shelves. The former reduces the access of mites to the body, thanks to the special technology of weaving materials.
On the other hand, anti-mite bedding prevents the multiplication of mites, thanks to special ingredients contained in the fibers. These substances block the growth of fungi, which mites need to digest the human epidermis.
Hypoallergenic bedding - dense fabric
When looking for bedding for allergy sufferers, first of all, choose the antiallergic material from which the outer cover of the duvet and pillow is made.
It is best if it is a natural fabric, so airy and providing good thermoregulation. Materials such as cotton, linen, as well as silk and bamboo work well.
- Cotton absorbs moisture well, does not attract allergens and is breathable
- Linen is an antiallergic material that inhibits the growth of fungi
- Silk does not attract dust and is very airy
- Bamboo prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi, which makes it an excellent weapon for allergy sufferers
The raw material for allergy-free bedding is important, but the essence of antiallergic prophylaxis is the production technology of the materials. The latest fabrics are made of extremely fine fibers, very tightly woven, thus acting as a barrier against mites and dust.
And this is a two-sided dam: on the one hand, the tight weave prevents mites from entering the human body, on the other - prevents dead skin cells from getting into the bedding, which are an excellent breeding ground for mites.
Although the dense weaves are able to trap particles as small as 0.1 microns (mites range from 0.1 - 1 mm), they also allow the free flow of air.
Hypoallergenic bedding - antiallergic filling
Speaking of bedding for allergy sufferers, it is worth emphasizing that not only the material from which the quilt or pillow is made must be anti-allergic, but also their filling, i.e. the "center" that gives warmth.
The most effective in preventing allergies are synthetic fillings - silicone, polyester or latex. They are not a good environment for mites, unlike down duvets, therefore they do not actually develop in them.
Silicone and polyester duvets and pillows can be washed regularly andit is at high temperatures (mites die at 55 degrees C).
Hypoallergenic and anti-dust mite bedding is also good for allergy sufferers. An additional advantage of this raw material is its air permeability, which prevents the body sweating during sleep, and thus the development of fungi and mites.
Unfortunately, silk is one of the more expensive types of bedding for allergy sufferers, in addition, silk fillings can only be dry cleaned.
Quilts and pillows with bamboo insert have become more and more popular recently. Bamboo is a natural raw material with antiallergic properties, which perfectly absorbs moisture and has antistatic properties, preventing mites from nesting.
Crushed bamboo stalks in combination with synthetic fibers provide good insulation, provide warmth, and allow air to pass through.
Worth knowingWhat kind of bedding to avoid?
Bedding for allergy sufferers should not be made of down. Down bedding attracts dust mites, moreover, the feathers itself, and more precisely the protein present in feathers, can be a strong allergen. Therefore, people prone to allergies should avoid this type of bedding.
It's also better not to buy bedding with a wool insert. While wool does not attract dust, it is itself a potential allergen.
Bedding for allergy sufferers - important advice
Buying bedding for allergy sufferers is not enough. As we mentioned, moisture caused by sweating, the presence of dead skin cells or body temperature caused by too warm bedding create ideal conditions for the development of mites.
To avoid unpleasant symptoms of house dust allergy, it is worth:
- wash bedding regularly - both duvets, pillows and pillowcases. In this way, dust, pollen, mites and microorganisms are removed. That is why it is so important to buy allergy-free bedding that can be washed in the washing machine.
- ventilate bedding - in this way we limit the possibility of mites development by lowering the temperature of the bedding and the level of moisture. It's worth airing bedding outside - the sun's rays kill dust mites.
- cover the bed with a cover to prevent dust from reaching the bedding
- buy a mattress cover made of the same material as bedding - with a tight weave constituting a barrier to mites.
- use anti-allergic bedding liquids. They neutralize mites and prevent their reproduction, even for several months.
Read also: He althy bedding - how to choose bedding?
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