A relaxing bath or a quick shower - what's better in pregnancy? According to the opinions often quoted by women in Internet forums, the most common concern about bathing is the possibility of the amniotic fluid temperature rising, which could harm the baby. We calm down: this is exactly a myth. But there are other dangers. So what should you know before you step into the bathtub?

For a woman expecting a baby, warmbathhas many advantages. In thebathtubyou can relax perfectly, especially when you pour a fragrant liquid into the water or throw in colorful effervescent tablets. And at the end of the third trimesterof pregnancy , when the belly is large and it becomes more difficult to move, warm water is a relief for the spine overburdened. But there is also the other side of the coin: too warm water can cause severe contractions, bleeding and even premature birth. Therefore, doctors recommend that the water you pour into the bathtub be warm, but not hot. In addition, bathing in the bathtub should not exceed a quarter of an hour. Longer, instead of loosening and relaxing, it weakens the body. The good news is that you can take a bath every day. Before you enter the bathtub, however, be sure to put a non-slip insert on the bottom. It can be a rubber insert with special adhesives (such inserts can be found in stores with products for children, after giving birth, they will serve as a bath pad for your baby). You can also put a regular large bath towel at the bottom of the bathtub. For what? Because in advanced pregnancy, the center of gravity of the body changes and it is very easy to fall over in a slippery bathtub.


What about the jacuzzi?

The bubbles themselves will not hurt a pregnant woman, the problem lies in the temperature of the water. Usually the water in the jacuzzi is hot (at a temperature above 40ºC), and bathing in such water causes tension and contractions of the uterus. Cramps can also be triggered by water jets (some jacuzzi tubs have this function). Bathing in the jacuzzi will not harm you only when the water is at a maximum of 36 ° C and the water jets function is turned off.

Pregnant bath cosmetics

Baby lotions and gels are the best for bathing during pregnancy. They usually do not smell, but also do not irritate or dry the skin. But you can also take a bath in the same lotion you've been using - if your skin still tolerates it well, of course. Returnhowever, make sure it has a neutral pH. It is also better that it does not contain natural essential oils (information about whether they are in the composition should always be on the cosmetic packaging). Aromatherapy specialists claim that most oils are not recommended for pregnant women as they act on the central nervous system and may overstimulate the body. For the same reason, it is better not to add pure natural essential oils to the water. If you are not 100% sure whether a given oil is safe, it is better not to use it at all. If your skin does not bother you at all, you can use colored effervescent tablets once in a while for bathing. They relax and unwind, because when thrown into water, they release hundreds of bubbles massaging the skin. And because they color the water, the bathtub turns into a mini-jacuzzi. Such effervescent tablets, however, also have disadvantages: firstly, they often contain essential oils, and secondly - they sometimes dry the skin and can irritate it. During pregnancy, it is better to give up the daily baths in colored s alts with minerals. Although they are rich in various elements valuable for the skin, such as iodine, calcium, sodium and magnesium, they usually dry the skin a lot. For the same reason, common table s alt, often added to the bath due to its detoxifying properties, is also disadvantageous for future mothers. If your skin starts to dry out (this is often the case in pregnancy due to hormones), choose a moisturizing bath oil (available in pharmacies) instead of a lotion. Such cosmetics are fragrance-free and usually contain vegetable oils and herbal extracts that soothe irritation. Most of them do not have cleansing properties, so you should shower before taking such a bath. Note: the oil added to the water makes the bathtub very slippery - when going out, be careful not to slip, and if you have a big belly, be sure to get help from someone close to you.


It's safer in the paddling pool

The shower is less pleasant but definitely better than taking a bath in the tub. When entering the paddling pool, do not forget about the foot pad. Also, remember that the bath gel does not contain natural essential oils. And an important rule: do not pour warm water on your stomach. Not because you can harm your baby, but to prevent cellulite. The observations of beauticians show that cellulite on the abdomen appears more often in women who direct a stream of warm water to this area during the shower.

After bathing

Rule number one - do not rub the skin with a towel, better wrap yourself with it and let the skin dry. Then necessarily rub into the thighs, stomach andanti-stretch marks on the breasts, and a moisturizing lotion in the rest of the body. It's better not to postpone it for later: within minutes of leaving the bath, the skin's pores are dilated, so it absorbs cosmetics best. After bathing in oils, you do not need to apply a lotion, because the skin will be sufficiently moisturized.

When bathing is forbidden during pregnancy

Bathing in a bathtub is inadvisable in two cases. First, when your pregnancy is at risk. Warm water can induce contractions and premature birth. Secondly, if the expectant mother is prone to frequent recurrent infections of the genital tract. Water flushes out good bacteria from the vagina, and fungi or pathogenic bacteria develop in their place.

Don't do that

Don't lock yourself in the bathroom

If you faint or slip on a wet floor, it will be easier for household members to get to you if you leave the door open.

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