Sensitivity can be perceived differently - for some it is a definite advantage, for others it is associated only with weakness. It is simply impossible to clearly assess who is right - sensitivity undoubtedly has many advantages and disadvantages. Read what the positive and negative aspects of showing high sensitivity can be, and finally find out if sensitivity should be nurtured and developed within yourself, or if it is best to try to root it out of yourself.
Sensitivityis hardly appreciated in the modern world. Currently, the most valued are usually those who could be described as "successful people" - people who are self-confident and self-confident, who achieve all their intended goals and who appear as hard as rock, which no negative events can harm .
Indeed, the modern world, unfortunately, even promotes this type of attitude - after all, we see on a daily basis that the greatest successes are often achieved by people who do not fully take into account the welfare of others and their feelings. Sensitivity, therefore, is sometimes considered a not very useful human trait, but in practice it is definitely more beneficial than one might suppose.
Sensitivity and experiencing the world
An unusual shape of a cloud in the sky, an interesting arrangement of foam in the morning coffee or sun rays falling into the bedroom in winter - some people do not notice such phenomena at all, but sensitive people see them.
To say that the sensitive people experience the world more would be definitely not enough - they just see the world fully. It is sensitive people who are able to appreciate the dance of bats during summer, evening walks, experience very positive emotions while communing with nature or notice little things that really enjoy and that other people cannot see at all.
Sensitivity makes us experience the world "more" and sometimes it is beneficial and sometimes it can be a source of considerable suffering. Sensitive people experience stronger emotions, both positive and negative - they get elated when they are at an emotional concert of their favorite artist, on the other hand, when they come into contact with criticism, it hurts them more than a person for whom sensitivity isa completely foreign concept.
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Sensitivity and interpersonal relationships
Sensitive people are able to quickly assess what kind of people they deal with - they develop empathy, and usually along with sensitivity is highly developed emotional intelligence.
So it is easy for them to decipher the masks that other people put on - the sensitive person will quickly recognize that someone they come into contact with is simply a false person and instead of developing such an acquaintance, they will quickly end it.
Sensitive people are good material for a friend - they quickly recognize the emotional states that affect their relatives and are then able to offer their help. In a relationship, on the one hand, sensitive partners can be ideal partners, and on the other hand, they are sometimes difficult to deal with.
Why such discrepancies? Well, because a sensitive person quickly detects, for example, that his other half has a bad day, he does not want to talk and in such a case he will simply step aside, giving his partner precious moments of respite.
On the other hand, a sensitive person is very easy to hurt and, for example, an innocent remark about his appearance, which his partner throws at him, may result in the sensitive person walking upset for a few days and analyzing whether they really look at their appearance in fact, something is not quite right.
Sensitivity and work
People showing a high degree of sensitivity will be perfect for certain positions. Professions that are good for them are, above all, those that are based on working with people - this is especially true of those jobs where it is expected to show a high level of empathy. The sensitive doctor will therefore be a good doctor (especially a psychiatrist), but also a psychologist or social worker. It will also work well in work that requires focusing on details - just as many people do not notice some details on a daily basis, people with high sensitivity will certainly not overlook them, therefore they can be good accountants or managers.
Sensitivity: disadvantage or advantage?
Sensitive people certainly have a harder time at certain times than those who are considered tough and devoid of this trait - after all, they analyze a lot, and, as already mentioned, they think about both the good and the and bad emotions.
On the other hand, sensitivity is a trait that allows you to look at the world wider and experience it more,stronger than others, and for this reason alone, you shouldn't try to rid yourself of all your sensitivity.
Sensitive people can generally be recommended to try to focus on the positives and to forget the negatives - emotions that are commonly considered unpleasant are also important in human life, but the most important thing is that they should not dominated the human head.
About the authorBow. Tomasz NęckiA graduate of medicine at the Medical University of Poznań. An admirer of the Polish sea (most willingly strolling along its shores with headphones in his ears), cats and books. In working with patients, he focuses on always listening to them and spending as much time as they need.