Graviola and its healing properties are best known in Latin America, where it comes from. However, it is increasingly used in other countries of the world. Graviola is promoted as a cancer drug - it is said to fight 12 types of cancer and is 10,000 times more powerful than chemotherapy. Does scientific research confirm these properties?
Graviola,Also known as Soursop or Guanábana, is an evergreen tree that grows, among others. in South and Central America. In this part of the world,healing propertiesof the fruit and other parts of the plant - leaves, bark and roots - are appreciated.
In the natural medicine of Latin American countries, graviola has beenusedas a remedy for parasites, diarrhea, fever, liver diseases, rheumatism, sedation, lowering blood pressure and many other ailments.
The versatile effects of graviola caught the attention of scientists who began researching it in the 1940s. It was discovered that graviola has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, prevents ulcers, lowers blood sugar and blood pressure, and fights viruses.
However, graviola became the most famous when it was shown that its ingredients can fight cancer cells. Then somegraviolawas quickly hailed as thecancer drug . Is it right?
Graviola for cancer? Anticancer properties of graviola
Scientists have found compounds in graviola called annonacea acetogenins, which in laboratory tests show anti-cancer effects. Apparently, thanks to these compounds, graviola works against 12 types of cancer and is 10,000 times more powerful than chemotherapy.
Research by scientists from Purdue University (Indiana, USA) shows that anonacea acetogenins have a stronger anti-cancer effect than chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of breast cancer resistant to them. However, they have not determined how many times more potent acetogenins are.
Breast cancer is one of the few cancers that can be tested against graviola in laboratory studies. Researchers from the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) have shown that graviola leaf extract inhibits the multiplication of lung cancer cells. They also found that it can fight cancer cellslarge intestine.
According to specialists from Ghana, extracts from this plant can fight prostate cancer. In turn, American scientists from the University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha proved that graviola is a promising agent for pancreatic cancer. In addition, graviola has been shown to help with liver and skin cancer.
In laboratory tests, it has been shown that graviola extracts can fight lung, colon, prostate, liver, pancreatic and skin cancer cells. However, this thesis has not been confirmed in human studies.
However, based on the research to date, it cannot be concluded that graviola is a cancer drug, argue specialists from Cancer Research UK.
- In laboratory tests, graviola extracts can kill certain types of liver and breast cancer that are resistant to the effects of chemotherapy drugs. However, no human studies have been performed. Therefore, we do not know if graviola can work as a cancer drug or not.[…]We do not endorse the use of graviola to treat cancer.¹
Cancer Research UK specialists also recommend caution in the use of tablets, juice, and other souriola preparations that are sold online as cancer-fighting agents.
In conclusion, the available scientific evidence does not support that graviola can cure cancer. Research to date is promising, but more research is needed to find out if the plant produces the same effects in humans.
Until clinical tests on humans confirm unequivocally that graviola has healing properties, the plant can only be used as a dietary supplement.
What to eat to avoid cancer? See [TOWIDEO]
ImportantGraviola pills for cancer - don't be fooled!
Scammers are trying to take advantage of reports about the anti-cancer properties of graviola. On the internet, you can find graviola extract pills that are supposed to treat cancer. Their prices are very high.
Unfortunately, they often contain only vitamins with the addition of a small amount of this fruit. If you decide to take supplementation, buy the tablets in pharmacies. Their price ranges from about 30 to even 100 PLN. On the other hand, the juice from graviola fruit (500 ml) costs from about 30 to about 60 PLN.
Worth knowingGraviola - nutritional values
in 100 g Energy - 66 kcal Total protein - 1.00 g Fat - 0.30 g Carbohydrates - 16.84 g (including simple sugars 13.54) Fiber - 3.3 gVitaminsVitamin C - 20.6 mg Thiamine - 0.070 mg Riboflavin - 0.050 mg Niacin - 0.900 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.059 mg Folic acid - 14µg Vitamin A - 2 IU Vitamin E - 0.08 mg Vitamin K - 0.4 µgMineralsCalcium - 14 mg Iron - 0.60 mg Magnesium - 21 mg Phosphorus - 27 mg Potassium - 278 mg Sodium - 14 mg Zinc - 0.10 mgData Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Graviola - he alth properties
- lowers blood sugar levels
In natural medicine of Cameroon (Central Africa), graviola has long been used in the course of diabetes. Scientists from this city decided to check if graviola can really help diabetics.
Studies on rats in which diabetes was induced artificially proved that graviola leaf extract actually has anti-diabetic properties, as it lowers blood glucose levels and protects pancreatic beta cells that secrete insulin.
However, it showed such an effect only in sick rodents. No similar results were obtained in he althy rats.
- soothes inflammation and reduces pain
Graviola fruit extracts have anti-inflammatory properties and relieve pain, argue scientists from the University of Lagos in Nigeria. Extracts of this exotic fruit inhibit the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) and the enzyme COX-2, which are involved in the synthesis of transmitters that stimulate pain receptors.
Scientists from Brazil have reached similar conclusions. In the course of their research, ethanolic extracts from soursop leaves, which were administered orally to animals, reduced the number of abdominal cramps by 14.42 percent. (at a dose of 200 mg / kg) and by 41.41%. (at a dose of 400 mg / kg)
- can help with peptic ulcer disease
Malaysian researchers have shown in rat tests that graviola leaf extract can prevent peptic ulcer disease. They divided the rodents into two groups - one received an extract from the plant, and the other was given omeprazole - a drug commonly used in peptic ulcer disease.
Rats given the extract of graviola showed a significant increase in the levels of prostaglandins (E2) - substances that protect the gastric mucosa - and in antioxidant activity.
Prostaglandins are hormones that have many different functions in the body. They cause inflammation (when tissue is damaged), which results in pain and hypersensitivity of the sick or damaged area, are responsible for muscle contractions, inhibit the clumping of platelets and lower blood pressure, and regulate the functioning of the kidneys and the digestive system.
In the latter case, they increase the secretion of gastric mucus (which is of great protective importance in peptic ulcer disease).
- strengthens immunity,fights viruses
Graviola can help strengthen the body's immunity, prevent infection, and when it develops, it will help fight pathogens. In vitro studies show that it can cope with many pathogenic microorganisms, even the herpes virus.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreImportantGraviola - side effects
Studies show that the toxic compounds in graviola can cause adverse changes in the nervous system, causing symptoms similar to those associated with Parkinson's disease (including movement disorders) if consumed too much. ²
Graviola - contraindications
Graviola and preserves based on it should not be accepted by people:
- suffering from low blood pressure or taking antihypertensive drugs (graviola may increase their effects)
- taking medications for diabetes (may increase their effect)
- struggling with Parkinson's disease (as it may worsen its symptoms)
- with kidney and liver diseases
- pregnant and lactating women
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Graviola - application in the kitchen. Where to buy graviola fruit?
Graviola can be eaten raw. It is enough to cut the fruit in half and remove the flesh with a teaspoon. You can also squeeze the juice and sweeten it with honey from this fruit - that's what Latin Americans do. Graviola pulp can be the basis of various desserts and preserves, e.g. jams or preserves.
It is not easy to get sourdola fruit in our country. They are most often available in the form of juice (price - about PLN 40 for 500 ml).
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