You can make a delicious herbal tea from plants growing in the meadows - chamomile, mint, St. John's wort. Such tea will have an intense flavor and refreshing properties. Ideally, the meadow should be unmowed and unfertilized, i.e. one where the herbs can grow freely.
It is best for the meadow to be a real fallow land - not mowed, not fertilized, i.e. one where plants can live their own lives. On this fallow soil you will find flowers for a bouquet. You start with the yellow ones: you find one lofty tansy, add a few twigs to itSt. John's wort . You look for white yarrow flowers, then chamomile baskets and add them to your bouquet. Now it's time for purple flowers, a little wildmintand lots of small thyme stalks. Ready bouquet …
Herbal tea for hot days
You put one in a vase. Meadow herbs look nice in rustic dishes. Put the other one in a large pot, pour cold water over it, bring to a boil and set aside for a while. The result is the perfectteawith an intense herbal flavor, perfect for hot days. You can serve it with a meal, drink it in your free time to relax. Not too much, because all the plants in your bouquet are herbs, the effects of which are not indifferent to the body. So check what you've collected.