The spring cleansing diet will give you energy, improve your mood and restore radiance to your skin. Two days on apples alone or a week on a fruit and vegetable diet is a good way to get rid of the feeling of heaviness. This way you will get rid of puffiness and your skin will become firmer. However, it should be remembered that express cleansing diets can only be used by he althy people.
There are many differentcleansing diets . Some rely on eating only one product, others drink juices, water, and herbal infusions. But the best is the one in which he althy products are gradually introduced into the menu over 10-14 days (see a varied diet). Duringcleansing treatment , no matter which one you choose, you must give up hard-to-digest products, fast food, stimulants and chemically processed foods.
After just a few or a dozen days of treatment, you will feel like a newborn and will be eager to live. By removing excess water from the body, you will gain lightness, get rid of puffiness and pillows under the eyes. The skin will become firmer and take on a he althy color. Don't be surprised if your urine and sweat smells bad during the cleansing treatment, your tongue becomes tarnished or your breath becomes stale. This is the result of the excretion of harmful substances from the body (in the urine, exhaled air and through the mucous membranes). Some people feel weak during this time. The moretoxinsyou have accumulated in your body, the more unpleasant the side effects of the cleansing can be.
Cleansing the body in spring: a varied diet
A varied diet requires a bit more time - it should last 10-14 days - but it is the safest for the body. For the first 2-3 days you eat vegetables and fruits (raw or cooked) and drink your own pressed fruit and / or vegetable juices. From day 4, you include 1/2 liter of fermented milk products a day (kefir, natural yoghurt, buttermilk) in your diet. From the 6th day you can additionally eat thick groats, wild rice, cereals, bran, 8th you add lean white cheese (10 grams), 10th - a portion of boiled (preferably steamed) or baked fish (20 grams). From the 12th day, instead of fish, you eat lean poultry such as chicken, turkey or veal (10 grams).
ImportantCleansing the body is supported by:
- Birch and meadowsweet - help release toxins through a diuretic effect.
- Artichoke and dandelion - support the work of the liver and digestive tract.
- Burdock and pansy - cleanse and improve the condition of the skin.
- Fennel - helps get rid of colic and intestinal gases.
- Green tea - reduces the amount of free radicals.
- Plum, apple and grapes - stimulate the intestines.
Express cleansing diets:
Juice diet
Eat light meals for 14 days and drink 0.5-1 liters of freshly squeezed vegetable and / or fruit juices every day. They can be of one type or mixed, diluted with water or not. The best for juice are apples, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons), carrots, beets, fresh cucumber, celery, parsley, tomatoes, and cabbage. You can also include sauerkraut juice in your diet.
Find out more: Weekly Juice Detox - Principles of a Cleansing Juice Diet
Fruit and vegetable diet
Eat raw, steamed or small amounts of water vegetables and fruit for 3 days, including water-based vegetable soups and silage. The dishes can be seasoned with olive oil, herbs and lemon juice. Drink fresh juices, herbal and fruit teas.
Find out more: Principles and effects of Dr. Dąbrowska's vegetable and fruit diet
Apple diet
Eat only apples for 1-2 days, but as much as you want. They contain pectins, which sweep the remaining debris out of the gastrointestinal tract, and when baked they improve the functioning of the pancreas and liver. For example, eat raw apples for breakfast, baked apples for lunch, and for dinner apple salad with yogurt. Drink green tea, apple juice, and apple tea.
Read more: APPLES: fruit for he alth and beauty. Why is it worth eating apples?
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreYou must do itBecause only he althy people can undergo this type of cleansing diets, before you decide on one of the treatments presented, it is worth doing basic blood and urine analyzes and consulting a doctor. Contraindications are, inter alia, serious diseases of the systemcirculatory, digestive and urinary. Cleansing is also not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Lemon diet
Eat easily digestible foods and, in addition, between meals, drink juice squeezed from 2-3 lemons, diluted with water in any proportion. The diet lasts for 7 days.
Read more: Lemon detox diet: principles and effects of the lemon diet
Cocktail diet
For 2 weeks, in addition to vegetables, fruit, 10 grams of lean meat (veal, chicken or turkey breasts) and coarse grain products, drink 3 cups of a cocktail of kefir and fresh or frozen fruit (strawberries, raspberries, currants) every day .
Read more: Cocktail diet, or how to lose weight while drinking vegetable smoothies
Plum diet
In the evening, pour boiling water over 10 dried plums and set aside overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink water and eat plums. Again pour boiling water over 10 plums and set aside until evening. Before going to bed, drink water and eat plums. During the diet, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, lean meat or fish, groats and fermented dairy products. Use the treatment for 10 days.
Cereal diet
It is safer than vegetable or fruit diets. It consists of eating only boiled grains of wheat or wild rice. Choose herbal teas to drink. For variety, you can also eat sprouts and parsley. This diet can last for around 12 days.
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