A year ago my cousin had problems with herniated discs. I tried to relieve her and massaged her spine and hip. I don't know why certain places, but my cousin used to say that I hit the places that hurt her badly. She also claims that I helped her. Two months ago, a friend came to me, who could not turn, get up or pick up - that's how her spine hurt. I started massaging it and after the first massage she was shocked that she could climb the stairs without pain or problems. I started giving her massages from time to time and it helped her. Only I noticed a strange coincidence that while doing massages, my whole body suddenly started to fail. I got acute duodenitis, I have had a headache all the time for a few months, while doing an EEG I found out that I have changes in the frontal lobe and I am starting to feel like I am picking up diseases from others. I really don't know what to do or how to behave, I am asking for some advice or a hint.

When we help others, we often put all our energy, all our SELF, into the activities we perform. Then we feel helpless - as if some of us sucked it. We feel bad for a long time. This was probably the case in your case as well. Headaches and duodenitis coincided. The effort you put into the massages accelerated the disclosure of these ailments, but you can take it as a plus. After all, they were in your body for a long time, but you did not pay attention to them. The most important thing now is not to be afraid and pull yourself together. Please look at your life from the "side" and think about what you really disagree with? What causes a headache? What do you not digest in your life? Please approach yourself and your body with a lot of love and everything will change. You have great potential in yourself and a desire to help others - that's good. You have to do something with your life so that it brings joy not only to us, but also to others. However, before reaching out to others, please take an interest in, for example, Reiki energy, thanks to it you can learn how to safely help people and protect yourself from losing your own energy. Please visit my website www.sekhmet.com.pl - there you will learn more about this method.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Ewa Morawska

Master of SKHM Seichim and reiki, energotherapist andhealer, life counselor. Reception in Marki (Lisi Jar 12 estate, mobile phone 0 501 076 298)

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