Luteolin belongs to the group of plant flavonoids characterized by a high pro-he alth potential with properties confirmed in scientific research. What plants do luteolin naturally contain? What are the properties of luteolin and how does it affect the brain?
Luteolinahas many research-documented he alth activities. Luteolin-rich plants have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat various diseases such as hypertension, inflammatory disorders, and cancer. Currently, the use of luteolin focuses primarily on its ability to protect nerve cells. Its properties may be helpful in the treatment of senile dementia as well as problems with memory and concentration. This substance is also anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Research has emerged on the preventive role of luteolin in the formation of certain types of cancer.
Which plants contain luteolin naturally?
Luteolin is found in vegetables that should be part of a daily he althy diet. Herbs and spices, popular in Poland, are also characterized by a high content of this substance.
Products with high luteolin content:
- celery
- broccoli
- green pepper
- carrot
- oregano
- thyme
- rosemary
- sage
- peppermint
- green pepper
What does luteolin mean is a flavonoid?
Flavonoids are chemical compounds that act as dyes in plants.
They give plants a color from yellow in flower petals to dark blue in blueberry fruit. Their presence serves to encourage insects and other animals to play a role in their pollination and seed dispersal. However, the role of flavonoids does not end there. Due to their antioxidant properties, they have the ability to scavenge free radicals. They also show the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to these properties, the presence of flavonoids protects plant DNA against mutations.
The antioxidant properties of these plant substances are valuable to humans. After consumption, flavonoids have the ability to scavenge free radicals also in our body. This makes them counteract the processes of formation of neoplastic changes. They also inhibit changes related to agingin the body Research has shown that flavonoids also have anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerotic, antispasmodic, diuretic and blood pressure lowering properties.
These substances are provided in the daily diet along with vegetables, fruit and spices. The inhabitants of Asian countries consume the most flavonoids, even 2 grams a day. This is due to the high proportion of legumes in the diet. Europeans consume only 0.5-0.8 grams of these substances per day. In Poland, the main source of flavonoids are onions, apples and tea.
How does luteolin affect the brain?
The most important therapeutic property of luteolin is its ability to protect nerve cells. Numerous studies have shown that this substance has a beneficial neuroprotective effect in both laboratory studies on cells and in animal testing.
This action is based on reducing the overactivity of the microglia, i.e. the cells of the immune poultice in the brain. Under physiological conditions, this structure controls the balance in the central nervous system. The microglia is responsible for removing damaged neurons.
During the aging process, the functions of these cells are disrupted. The result is an excessive multiplication of microglia, which destroys he althy neurons. Scientists have observed a link between this process and Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Luteolin inhibits pathological activity in the microglia area, thus protecting the brain from degeneration.
Research shows that protecting the brain from dementia is also associated with the anti-inflammatory properties of this flavonoid. Infections trigger the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. These substances cause symptoms such as sleepiness and depression. It turns out that inflammation also causes memory impairment. Luteolin inhibits inflammation and regulates various cell signaling pathways. This is because it reduces the secretion of cytokines in the brain. In this way, it improves concentration and the process of remembering.
What are the other properties of luteolin?
The anti-inflammatory properties of luteolin are also used to support the therapy of autoimmune diseases. The use of this flavonoid is also helpful in relieving rheumatoid arthritis.
Scientists are investigating the possibility of using the anti-inflammatory activity of luteolin in reducing the risk of cancer metastasis. The anti-tumor properties of this substance are also associated with the induction of apoptosis and inhibition of cell division. Research into the anti-cancer activity of luteolin is still ongoing. To date, it has not been registered as a cancer drug anddon't treat it that way.
Preparations containing luteolin
Currently, dietary supplements containing this substance are available on the market. However, it is worth remembering that excessive supplementation with flavonoids, including luteolin, may have a negative effect on the body. The safest and most beneficial for your he alth is to eat natural foods rich in this compound.
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