Give us thirty days and we'll change your life once and for all, promise the makers of the Whole30 diet. And they argue that a month of nutritional regime is enough for the overweight and many he alth problems to disappear. Learn about the Whole30 diet and see a sample daily menu.
The Whole30 Diet , although it was invented 7 years ago, only now is gaining masses of supporters, on all continents. Probably because it is based on many assumptions of the very popular paleo diet, i.e. the way of nourishing prehistoric hunters. It is also in line with the slow life trend, which excludes fast food. The makers of the Whole30 are Melissa and Dallas Hartwig, American sports nutritionists. In their opinion, strict adherence to the program they invented accelerates metabolism and, above all, helps to give up bad eating habits. That is why, even after its completion, the yo-yo effect does not appear. During the program, you can lose even a dozen kilograms. Much depends on the starting state. People who are more overweight will lose unnecessary kilograms faster. Those who would like to simply sculpt their body before taking a vacation need to be more patient. However, weight loss is supposed to be a "side effect". It's really about improving your he alth.
Whole30 diet rules
The Whole30 diet lasts 30 days. During this time, you eat your fill and do not count calories - these are certainly the advantages of the program. You eat three meals a day with no snacks. Unfortunately, you can only eat well-defined products. And the list of forbidden is quite long (see box below). The biggest problem is learning to compose a completely new menu without sandwiches, pasta, rice or dumplings. There is no question of the porridge widely recognized as super he althy. While most diets can use sweeteners, even natural sweeteners such as honey, birch sugar or stevia are blacklisted here.
Contrary to appearances, the Whole30 diet does not mean a monotonous menu. It's a good idea to experiment and modify your favorite recipes using the list of allowed products. Spaghetti will be just as delicious if you make them from spaghetti squash (you can buy a special spiral grater for making spaghetti from various vegetables), favorite traditional fries dato be made from chopped, sprinkled with olive oil and baked sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes). You can eat minced cutlets and schnitzels without restriction, but without breadcrumbs. As the promoters of the diet assure, all you need is a little creativity and … a refrigerator full of good products.
ImportantDiet Whole30 - what can you and can't eat?
ALLOWED: meat, seafood, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables, olive oil, coconut and rapeseed oil, clarified butter, any vinegar (including wine, balsamic, rice), as long as no sugar or m alt in the composition, s alt
PROHIBITED: dairy products, grains, sugar and products containing sugar, honey, maple syrup and agave syrup, artificial and natural sweeteners, alcohol, legumes (peas, beans, peas, chickpeas, broad beans), corn, preservatives and food additives
ALLOWED DRINKS: coffee, tea, natural fruit juices with no added sugar, water and coconut water
Condition 1: start the diet overnight
You don't switch to the Whole30 diet gradually. You have to say "stop" overnight and radically change your menu and eating habits. If you manage to endure 30 days without deviations and minor sins, you will also be able to end unhe althy habits, and at the same time restore a he althy metabolism, improve the functioning of the digestive system, and strengthen the immune system. Internet users who share their experiences on forums also write that they managed to get rid of many troublesome ailments such as hypertension, increased blood glucose levels, acne and allergies. Chronic fatigue, migraines and problems with the cycle in women often disappear. As the creators of the diet explain, this is because the products that "clutter" and acidify the body (sugar) are reduced to a minimum, and instead there is a lot of anti-inflammatory effects: fatty fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds, as well as vegetables.
Condition 2: stick to the rules
The Whole30 diet does not allow the slightest deviation. You only need one bite of bread, a little coffee milk or a little honey and you have to start the whole process all over again. Therefore, you need to prepare a menu for 5-6 consecutive days in advance, and then make a shopping list. But then it is enough to stick to your prepared notes.
Exiting the Whole30 diet
After 30 days, the safest for your well-being and figure is to gradually and in small amounts to include groats, pods (replacing them partially with meat) and fermented milk drinks in your diet. Without regret or harm to your he alth and well-being, you can give up sugar and any flavoring additives. Food is simplethe he althiest.
Diet Whole30 - dieticians' doubts
While the Whole30 diet has the advantage of eliminating sugar and artificial food additives, it is certainly not a diet that adheres to generally accepted principles of he althy eating. There are fewer meals (three instead of five) and different nutrient ratios than recommended. The amount of meat is many times over the dietary norm - according to doctors and nutritionists, two servings a week are enough, while on the Whole30 diet meat is eaten every day, sometimes even several times a day. Probably not without its impact on the fact that the creators of the diet are specialists in sports nutrition who need an increased amount of protein to build muscle. But it is precisely because of these proportions that it should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with kidney diseases, adolescents and the elderly.
The Whole30 diet should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, people with kidney problems, adolescents and the elderly.
Another caveat: The Whole30 diet does not provide dairy, which is an excellent source of calcium, as well as the probiotic bacteria necessary for building a he althy gut flora. Its duration is a certain mitigating circumstance. There should be no serious deficiencies for 30 days.
Don't do thatDon't you dare to weigh in
What matters is what the centimeter shows, not the weight. The Whole30 even prohibits weighing while on a diet, just on the first and last day.
Diet Whole30 - a sample daily menu
BREAKFASTHam and sun-dried tomatoes omelette 2 eggs / a slice of lean ham (baked or boiled) / 3 dried tomatoes / teaspoon oil / pepper / tablespoon parsley or chives Beat eggs in a bowl, add the finely chopped ham and sun-dried tomatoes. Season and fry in hot oil. Sprinkle greens.
DINNERHerbal meatballs with cauliflower purée 20 grams of ground beef / shallot / egg / tablespoon of olive oil / 1/2 small cauliflower / teaspoon of clarified butter / teaspoon of Provencal herbs / pinch of coriander / teaspoon of thyme / s alt, pepper Mix the meat with spices, egg and finely chopped shallots. Form small balls and fry them in olive oil for 2-3 minutes. Then put into the oven and bake for 10 minutes at 180ºC. Boil the cauliflower, blend with thyme and butter. Serve with the meatballs.
DINNERBaked eggplant with sesame dip medium eggplant / tablespoon olive oil / s alt, pepper / a few sprigs of thyme dip: tablespoon sesame paste (tahini) / a dash of olive oil / teaspoon lemon juice / garlic clove / s alt, pepper Preheat the ovenup to a temperature of 200ºC. Cut the eggplant lengthwise and from the side of the flesh, cut it diagonally. Sprinkle with s alt and set aside for half an hour. Then squeeze both halves gently from the juice they released. Rub with olive oil and place on baking paper with the flesh side down on the thyme sprigs. Bake for 45 minutes. At the end of baking, prepare a dip: combine the tahini paste with olive oil, lemon juice and pressed garlic. Season with s alt and pepper.
ImportantWhole30 is not a caveman diet
The Whole30 diet is not the same as the paleo diet. The former completely excludes sugar and sweet products, while the paleo diet only refined sugar (you can eat honey, maple syrup, etc.). Unlike the Caveman Diet, you can eat potatoes with the Whole30. It also allows you to eat s alt ( although it recommends moderation).
How to persevere in a diet
We associate the diet with sacrifices and limitations. And this is often what determines its success. How do you think about your diet? How to overcome crises while losing weight - suggests Elżbieta Lange, psycho-dietician and he alth coach.
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