12-month-old is still drinking mum's milk. The twelfth month closes an important period in a toddler's life. A child often takes its first independent steps and discovers the world with curiosity. Even though he can only say a few words, he can understand a lot more. Your baby may also start drinking drinks or milk on its own. What is better for him - a cup or a bottle?
The 12-month-old babybegins to understand commands, although not always following them yet. He can also pronounce individual words on his own and can recognize individuals, shapes or pictures. The baby confidently walks around the apartment holding on to the furniture. He's letting go more and more, and at the end of the month he's probably standing by himself. If he was given a teaspoon before, he may be able to eat on his own.
12-month-old baby starts to take his first steps
Some children spread their legs wide, raise their hands and carefully take their first steps on their own. But most don't do it until they are 13 months old. There are also those that only start their journey in the middle of the second year.
So if your little one is not ready to walk yet, don't worry, he still has time . When a child takes their first steps is an individual matter. Much depends on temperament and genes.
Children whose parents started walking late often take their time with it. Moreover, the observations of pediatricians show that slim little ones usually take their first steps earlier than their more chubby peers.
A child who wants to walk but still needs support can helpwalker-pusher . A stable stroller, which the little one pushes in front of him, will help him maintain balance and make him feel more confident.
It is important, however, that the pusher is not too light and does not move too fast, because then the child, trying to keep up with him, may fall over.
It is also worth paying attention to whether, when pushing the device, the toddler does not lean forward too much, overloading the joints.
Does a 12-month-old baby need shoes?
If your child is just taking his first steps, you do not need to buy shoes for him . Wait until he becomes a bit more comfortable with walking.
When buying shoes for your little oneremember that they should have :
- good size, there should be 0.5-1 cm of play in front of the big toe,
- flexible, non-slip soles,
- wide toes so that the fingers can move freely,
- an upper that does not restrict movement.
The 12-month-old baby starts saying the words
One year old is usually able to say a few simple words. His repertoire most often includes:
- "no",
- "give",
- "mama",
- "dad"
- and onomatopoeic words such as "hau-hau", "meow-meow" or "brum-brum".
However, the child understands many more words and phrases. When asked, she can point at someone with a finger, pass a toy, wave her hand in greeting, turn the page of a book.
How does a 12-month-old baby play?
Toddleralready recognizes shapes , but can't handle sorter yet. The ability to fit blocks of various shapes to the corresponding holes will only be mastered in a few months. Meanwhile, he watches them carefully, places them next to him, tries to place them on top of each other. However, he still likes to demolish rather than build.
Sometimes the child is bursting with energy. Then he preferably straddles the ride-on vehicle and races around the apartment. And when he gets tired of this game, he helps him calm down, and sometimes even fall asleep with a cuddly toy.
If your toddler does not have his favorite teddy bear, dog or bunny so far, it's time to treat him to a soft friend, whom he will always be able to cuddle with.
In the playground, the child looks at other childrenand tries to touch them, but plays around rather than with them.Can't cooperate or share toys . So you quickly lose interest in your peers.
Can't play alone . Even the best toy can keep it occupied for only a few minutes. It is different when he is accompanied by mum or dad.
Keep your 12-month-old baby safe
Although the child is eager to explore the surrounding world with you by the hand, sometimes he has an irresistible desire to act independently. He still tries new things, experiments, challenges himself.
Your, even firm: "You mustn't!" it will only stop him for a moment. Curiosity is stronger. Besides, the toddler does not understand cause and effect relationships yet. He doesn't know the consequences of climbing stairs or sneaking out onto a balcony.
Before he gets it, you have to make it safe. Of course, explain to the child what he is not allowed and why, but most of all try to prevent him from being dangerousexperiments.
Always close balcony and entrance doors carefully. Secure the entrance to the stairs with a special railing. When cooking, use only the rear burners etc.
12-month-old baby can still drink mum's milk
The child should now eat 3-4 complementary meals . In the morning and in the evening, of coursecontinues to drink mum's milk or formula .
If you want to continue breastfeeding, you can do so. The composition of mum's milk changes with the needs of the baby. So your food contains everything your little one needs.
If you decide to wean your baby, do so gradually. First, give up feeding during the day, and then in the evening and at night.
If your toddler protests, hug him instead of giving him a breast. Be firm, your child will come to terms with the new situation faster than you think.
A one-year-old toddler can drink formula (3) or plain, good-quality cow's milk (UHT or pasteurized).
The 12-month-old baby should start drinking from the cup
You should not give your baby milk in a bottle, because drinking through a teat at this age increases the risk of so-called. bottle caries. Dentists also do not recommend the use of a non-spill cup in the long run, which may promote the development of malocclusion.
It is best for the child to start using an ordinary, open cup. If you let him, he is now able to do it on his own.
Drinking from an ordinary cup is a good speech apparatus training: lips, lips and tongue, which will soon start paying off. Thanks to it, the toddler will have less problems with the pronunciation of difficult sounds in the future.
- Speech development in babies - learning to speak can be started from the first month of life
- 11-month-old baby - development, he alth, nutrition in the 11th month of the baby's life
- 10-month-old baby - development, he alth, nutrition in the 10th month of the baby's life
One year old child usually:
- standing alone,
- he is holding a hand,
- tries to take its first independent steps (not always),
- recognizes shapes,
- stacks a block on top of each other,
- usually says "mom" and "dad" with understanding.
What should worry?
Consult the pediatrician when the child:
- does not stand unsupported,
- does not try to walk sideways next to the furniture,
- does not respond to simple commands.
Regardless of the age, the sign that the child should be examined by a doctor is also marked tremors, persistent tremorsbody asymmetry and peculiar hand positioning.