A 4-month-old baby can distinguish colors, takes hands and toys to his mouth and begins to hold his head up by himself. The fourth month of a baby's life is all joy. It is enough for one of the parents to make a funny face or sneeze to make the amused child laugh out loud. How much does a 4-month-old baby sleep? Is it possible for him to extend his diet?
The 4-month-old babyis very happy. His baby chuckle is heard very often in the home. Sniffing the tongue, pecking, playing on the lips, and even just a simple sneeze can make you laugh. The baby also loves to play in "A cuckoo!". When mum or dad covers his face with his hands and then suddenly stands up, saying, "Oh, cuckoo!", The toddler squeals with delight. A 4-month-old baby is more and more interested in the world and can do more and more.
4-month-old baby gets livelier
A cheerful, happy toddler is eager to train new skills. Lying on his back, instead of lying still as he has been so far, he squirms and tries to turn to the side. So far, he has failed, but just in case, do not leave him alone on the changing mat, even for a moment.
If the baby has slept in the cradle so far, it's time to move it to a larger and more stable bed.
Continue to put the baby on its tummy often. Now he likes this position. The toddler rests on his forearms and raises his head high.
What toys for a 4-month-old baby?
The child controls hand movements better and better. He strokes his head, touches his ears, and feels his mother's breast during feeding. He can even scratch his nose!
A great activity for the baby's hands will be provided by the babyeducational mat , which is pleasant to the touch, soft mattress with numerous attractions sewn on:
- rustling toys,
- with shiny elements,
- plastic mirrors.
The child will be delighted to watch them, touch everything, examine each fragment with their fingers.
He will also like the headband attached to the mat, or rather,rattling toys . It is enough to nudge them with a handle to make them start to make intriguing sounds. While playing, the baby tries to grasp the rattle, and when he succeeds, firmlyhe clenches his hand on it.
4-month-old baby starts to distinguish colors
The childalready distinguishes between red, green, yellow and blue.It will distinguish them, however, on the condition that they are firm. The child will not appreciate pastel colors yet. So when buying toys, pay attention to their colors. A toddler will be more interested in a red or yellow rattle than a beige plush.
A baby can see quite clearly not only up close, but also from a distance. All you have to do is stand in the door to make it react with enthusiasm.
4-month-old baby takes everything in his mouth
The child explores the world not only with his hands, but also with his mouth.He puts in his mouth, licks and sucks not only his own fingers, but also toys and other itemsthat come within reach of his paws. In this way, he gets to know different things and, at the same time, practices the movements of his lips and tongue, which will be useful for him when he tries his first purees.
Pay attention to what he is playing and picks up his hand. Infant toys must not have sharp edges or contain small parts. They should be large enough that the child cannot swallow them.
Once a daywash toys with water and mild soap(remember to rinse thoroughly). You don't have to sterilize them. Contact with home microbes is a training for the infant's immune system. In addition, your baby is protected against harmful germs by antibodies present in your food, antibodies or probiotics found in formula milk.
Time to say goodbye to the pacifier
In the fourth month of life, the so far strong suckling reflexweakens . This is a good time to try and put the teat down. There is a good chance it will now be a stress-free experience.
Interested in the world and learning new skills, the infant now has many more interesting activities than sucking a pacifier.
Expanding your diet? It's too early!
Some babies stop suckling every now and then to look around while they are breastfeeding or bottlefeeding. It doesn't mean they want anything other than milk. They're just so interested in their surroundings and distracted by everything. Before holding your toddler to your breast or giving him a bottle, close the curtains and silence the phone.
Don't expand your baby's diet just yet.Your formula or formula milk is fully sufficient for him (remember to continue feeding on demand). According to the guidelines of the Institute of Mother and Child,porridges and purees can be gradually introduced into the child's diet at the earliest in the fifth month of life.
Confusion about thisoften cause markings on the labels of ready-made baby food. Let's make it more specific -the inscription: "From the 4th month" means that the puree or porridge is suitable for children over four months of age.
How much does a 4-month-old baby sleep?
The baby now sleeps approx.14 hours a day.Most of this time is at night. The baby is more active during the day and usually takes only two longer naps. It is best for him to sleep during a walk.
Sometimes it is difficult for a child to fall asleep in the evening. Scrupulous adherence to the rules of the daily routine (constant times for walking, bathing and going to bed) may help. It is also worth removing toys and other objects from the area of the crib that may distract the toddler and disturb him to fall asleep.
- Putting a baby to sleep - how to put a baby to sleep without rocking
- 2-month-old baby - development, he alth, nutrition in the 2nd month of the baby's life
- 3-month-old baby - development, he alth, nutrition in the 3rd month of the baby's life
What can a 4-month-old baby do?
- laughs loudly,
- lying on her tummy, she rests on her forearms and easily lifts her head,
- tries to turn from back to side,
- she controls her hand movements better and better,
- grabs the toy with his whole hand,
- gets to know objects by putting them in her mouth,
- does not want to return the obtained toy.
What should worry?
Consult the pediatrician when infant:
- does not follow the object that is passed in front of his eyes,
- does not react to the sight of parents, does not smile at them,
- placed on the stomach, it raises the head poorly, and when held in the hand, it does not hold it vertically.
Regardless of the age, the signals that the child should be examined by a doctor are also marked tremors, persistent asymmetry of the body and peculiar positioning of the hands.