Scientific research leaves no doubt - diet greatly affects the risk of developing a malignant tumor. So what to eat to avoid cancer? See a sample menu of an anti-cancer diet using products with proven anti-cancer properties.
Anti-cancer dietshould beplant-based(vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds) - research prove that thenprotects against many cancers . That is why WCRF (World Cancer Research Fund) and AICR (American Cancer Research Institute) - the world's largest organizations researching the impact of lifestyle, including diet, on the risk of cancer development - recommend it both in cancer prevention and in cancer patients. therapy.
Low-fat, plant-based diet causes a drop in estrogen levels in women, which is related to the low supply of fat and a large amount of fiber (sweeps excess estrogens out of the body). In addition, it lowers the level of insulin and IGF-1 - hormones that "water" tumors, and reduces inflammatory markers. In vitro studies have shown that the serum of people who eat this diet inhibited the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells.
Sample all-day anti-cancer diet menu
Fruit salad with yoghurt sauce : slice banana, kiwi, orange, 2 dried figs, add a handful of raspberries (fresh or frozen), a cup of natural soy yogurt, a teaspoon of ground linseed , mix.
Tomato and celery cocktail : 250 g of cherry tomatoes, celery stalk and a handful of parsley in a blender, season with a pinch of s alt and pepper.
Pita bread pockets filled with baby spinach, tomato, bean and avocado salad : mix 3 cups baby spinach, 3 medium tomatoes, cut into 3 or 4 parts, 3 firm Mushrooms, thinly sliced, 2 tablespoons chopped red onion, 1/2 cup canned Kidney beans (rinse), mash 1/3 ripe avocado and a clove of garlic with a fork, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, pepper, basil and mix with the salad. Cut the whole grain pita bread into a pocket, put it in a toaster and grill, fill with salad. Leave the rest of the pig iron ondinner.
2 slices of crispy bread with cottage cheese : 90 g of natural tofu, 125 ml of soy vanilla milk, 2 large or 3 smaller soaked dates, 1/2 teaspoon of dried or freshly grated crust Blend the orange in a blender, add the vanilla essence to taste.
Zucchini or broccoli cream soup : Cook 2 small courgettes (or a small broccoli) until soft, add a can of green peas (rinse beforehand) and 2 crushed garlic cloves, blend in blender, add the juice of half a lemon, a pinch of sweet paprika, pepper and s alt (for 2 servings).
Salmon fillet baked with herbs : salmon fillet (approx. 150 g) rub with garlic and herbs (if desired), a pinch of s alt, sprinkle with lemon juice, bake in in the oven for about half an hour.
Young spinach, tomato, red beans and avocado salad (from dinner).
Important- Eating fruit reduces the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, lung and stomach.
- Eating starchy vegetables rich in carotenoids and vitamin C (such as broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, turnips, asparagus, spinach, chicory, celery, sauerkraut , onion, garlic, parsley, radish, leek) reduces the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, lungs and stomach.
- Eating high-fiber foods reduces the risk of colon cancer.
See what products are worth eating in anti-cancer prevention [TOWIDEO]
Medicinal products with anti-cancer effect
Blueberries / blueberries- laboratory tests have shown that the antioxidants contained in these fruits (including flavonoids, ellagitanins, stilbens) reduce DNA damage caused by free radicals that can lead to cancer. They also slow down the growth of cancer cells and kill some cancer cells.
Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables- in laboratory studies, glucosinolates in these vegetables have been shown to reduce inflammatory processes in the body that may increase the risk of cancer development. They also inhibit enzymes that activate carcinogens, and stimulate enzymes that deactivate them. Research also suggests that glucosinolates "turn on" genes responsible for inhibiting tumors. Some studies show that these compounds transform estrogens into less aggressive forms, thereby reducing the risk of certain hormone-dependent cancers.
Green tea- in laboratory tests it slows down or completely prevents the development of cancer of the colon, liver, breast and prostate. Anotherstudies have shown similar effects in cancer of the lung, skin and gastrointestinal tract. Human observational studies have shown that drinking this drink regularly reduces the risk of bladder, colon, stomach, pancreatic and esophageal cancer.
Linseed- in animals, the lignin contained in it reduces the concentration of certain growth factors, which slows down the development of tumors, as well as inhibits the spread of cancer cells in breast tumors.
Soybeans- contains many substances that have shown anti-cancer properties in research: isoflavones - slow down the development of cancer cells, affect their destruction, act as an antioxidant; saponins - lower cholesterol, protect against certain types of cancer, lower blood glucose levels; phenolic acids - stop the spread of cancer cells; phytic acid - acts as an antioxidant; sphingolipids - inhibit the development of cancer cells, promote their self-destruction and block the spread of these cells. Eating soy in moderation is not dangerous for women with breast cancer (AICR statement). Source:
Worth knowingInteresting observations were provided by the study by Dean Ornish (2005). In men with early-stage prostate cancer, who did not qualify for any therapy, he applied a low-fat, plant-based diet and a traditional diet according to the food pyramid. In the first group, the level of PSA (a marker of prostate cancer development) decreased by as much as 5 percent. in 90 percent users to diet recommendations, which is unheard of without any intervention. In the control group, the PSA level increased. Another study by Ornish (2008) on patients with early prostate cancer who stayed on a low-fat vegan diet for six months, showed its effect on gene expression: 48 genes responsible for cancer defense "woke up" and 453 genes that caused pro-cancer changes "fell asleep".
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