A leafy tumor is a slowly growing tumor of the breast tissue stroma. It can occur at any age, with the average being 45. Usually it is 2 to 7 cm in size. Untreated, it can reach enormous sizes - e.g. 20-30 cm, and fill the entire breast.

In the case of a deciduous tumor, the skin andnipplemay be distorted as a result of pressure fromtumor , but no infiltration is observed. On examination, a hard, single tumor is clearly felt. Clinically, fibroadenoma cannot be clearly distinguished from a benign or malignant leafy tumor. In 40 percent. cases, the coexistence of fibroadenomas is found.

Detection of leafy tumor

Leaf tumorcan be diagnosed by microscopic examination. On its basis, the type of tumor is also distinguished. Leaf tumors come in three forms:

  • mild - the risk of local recurrence is low and there is no metastasis
  • borderline malignancy - the probability of local recurrence is high, and the likelihood of metastases is relatively small (less than 5%)
  • malignant - the probability of local recurrence and distant metastases is high

Cancer treatment

Deciduous tumor is surgically treated - in mild forms, lesions should be removed with an appropriate margin. In malignant form - a simple nipple amputation must be performed. In women diagnosed with malignant tumors, local recurrences and distant metastases (to the lungs or bones) are most often observed in the first three years.


The mammary gland is the largest skin gland. The nipple is the entire gland that consists of skin, subcutaneous and glandular tissue. The most common breast diseases include:

  • mastitis, abscesses, mastopathic changes
  • benign tumors (fibroadenoma, papilloma, lipoma)
  • potentially malignant tumors (leafy tumor)
  • malignant neoplasms (cancer, sarcoma)
