Hernia in pregnancy occurs quite often. During pregnancy, the abdominal wall is overstretched, which favors the formation of hernias, especially in postoperative scars. Check what are the causes and symptoms of a hernia in pregnancy. Does a hernia in pregnancy pose a risk to the he alth of mother and baby? What to do when a hernia appears in a pregnant woman?
A hernia in pregnancymanifests itself as a bulging of a part of an organ or the entire tissue around the navel, thigh, groin or in a caesarean section scar. The most vulnerable to hernia in pregnancy are multiparous women, women who are overweight or who have had a cesarean section in the past.
Hernia in pregnancy: causes
A hernia in pregnancyis the result of overstretching the abdominal wall by the developing baby. Pressure on the abdominal cavity weakens the tissues that line it. Effort during bowel movements or urination, overweight pregnant woman, and chronic diseases in the course of which there are frequent coughs and sneezes also contribute to the reduction of the strength of the abdominal wall.
Abdominal hernia and pregnancy
A common type of hernia in pregnancy ispost-operative hernia , which manifests as bulges at the site of healed wounds. If a pregnant woman has a history of gallbladder surgery, appendectomy, or other surgery where the abdomen has been cut, the waist circumference that grows during pregnancy may contribute to a hernia at the cut site.
Umbilical hernia and pregnancy
The most common type of abdominal herniain pregnancyisumbilical hernia . It is usually a congenital disease that may be asymptomatic until pregnancy (the defect may be too small). Only as a result of excessive stretching of the abdominal integuments can the inner layer of the abdominal muscles weaken and, consequently, enlarge the umbilical ring. A characteristic symptom of umbilical hernia is a lump in or around the navel.
Femoral hernia and pregnancy
The bulge in the upper thigh near the lower groin is the result of pressure on the thigh. The consequence isweakening of the structures of the femoral canal and the formation of a femoral hernia.
Spinal hernia and pregnancy
Spinal hernia is a colloquial term for a disc prolapse. During pregnancy, the most overloaded part of the spine is the lumbar region. A symptom of a hernia in the spine is low back pain which may radiate to the hip and leg making it difficult to move around.Spinal hernia in pregnancyis an indication for caesarean section.
Inguinal hernia and pregnancy
Inguinal hernia during pregnancy is the result of pressure on the abdominal wall. Its symptom is a characteristic feeling of heaviness around the perineum.
Hernia and pregnancy: hernia treatment in pregnancy
In pregnant women struggling with a hernia, conservative treatment is used in order to prevent the deterioration of the pregnant woman's he alth. Accordingly, the expectant mother should avoid physical exertion (e.g., she should not wear heavy shopping), which may make the hernia even more visible. In addition, she should avoid foods that contribute to constipation.
Pregnant women should not take painkillers, so if the hernia is accompanied by pain, relaxation techniques or cold compresses can be used.
Surgical treatment of hernia is possible after childbirth. Urgent surgical intervention is possible only when the hernia becomes trapped.
ImportantA pregnant woman should see a doctor as soon as she senses a small bulge that appears when laughing or coughing and disappears with normal breathing. The sooner a hernia is diagnosed, the lower the risk of trapping it. If it does, the skin on the lump becomes reddened and warmer than the rest of the body. Nausea and vomiting will appear. This state is a direct threat to life.