Your man raises his voice more and more for no reason? Do you turn to him and feel like you are talking to the wall? Probably the stress at work is making your man walk around the house like a hailstorm and everything disturbs him. Time for you to think about changing your eating strategy and introducing a stress-relieving diet that will not only soothe your nerves but also allow your man to lose a few pounds.
At work, your man drinks more and more coffee, eats whatever he wants - often high-calorie snacks, he has nightmares at night, and in the morning he complains that he is sleepy. Be careful, these are the symptoms ofstress . Fight him right away, before your life turns into a nightmare!
Stress Relief Plan
You calm him downwith your diet , and he loses 2 kg in a week.
Nutritional strategy - stress diet
Stress "eats up"caloriesso you can let him eat more. Bigger, but not just anything. His menu should be carefully selected so that the dishes do not stimulate him. You make sure that you eat 5 meals regularly. Hide sweets (including chocolate!), Do not buy energy drinks, and do not serve pork dishes for lunch. Feed him with vegetables and fruit.
Diet for stress: calming snacks
There is always non-carbonated mineral water with a high content of magnesium (e.g. Muszynianka has as much as 155 mg of magnesium per liter, and Piwniczanka 92 mg / l) and calming snacks: carrots, kohlrabi, pieces of fresh cucumber, crispy bread, dried apricots, dates and peanuts. You're taking his chips!
Diet for stress - menu
First breakfast:a glass of milk or cocoa, a slice of wholemeal bread with vegetable butter, a slice of cheese or cocoa, 2 tablespoons of corn flakes, a handful of raisins, 2 walnuts 2nd breakfast:fruit or vegetable juice (orange, tomato or beetroot)Lunch:a portion of stewed chicken sprinkled with nuts, rice, fresh vegetable salad, fruit or an omelette with spinachTea:a handful of pumpkin or sunflower seeds or a grapefruitDinner:a portion of baked hake, carrot, celery and apple salad, a slice of dark bread or a slice rye bread, pickled herring, pickled cucumber, ketchup, tea
Vitamins and herbs for a stressed-out man
You give it to him firstall B vitamins, mainly B1 , B2 , B5 , B6 , but do not forget about vitamin C (as a result of constant stress, it loses a lot of it, and yet it protects against infections by strengthening its immune system). Herbs are perfect for stress, such as hops, passion flower, valerian root and lateral flower thyroid gland.
How to deal with stress?
Forbidden on an anti-stress diet:
- Alcohol - it will put him in a good mood, but for a short time, if drunk in excess, it will destroy the nervous system.
- Caffeine - increases anxiety and worsens concentration, should not drink more than 2 cups of coffee or black tea a day.
- Fatty dairy products - increases the risk of heart disease, because stress causes fats to stay in the blood longer.
Recommended on an anti-stress diet:
The need for magnesium in adults is 300-400 mg per day. So give him products rich in this element (magnesium content / 100 g of product): pumpkin seeds - 520 mg, cocoa - 420 mg, parsley - 291 mg, almonds - 257 mg, soybeans - 250 mg, buckwheat - 218 mg, walnut - 130-190 mg, white beans - 169 mg, apples with peel - 104 mg Chocolate is very high in magnesium, but unfortunately it is also high in calories. And since an upset person can devour the entire tablet, you'd better hide it deeply.