Colors affect us at every moment of our lives, and we usually do not choose them consciously. Every day we come across various shades that more or less shape our well-being, mood, and sometimes even attitude to life.
The perception of colors is very individual. Most of them, however, can be generalized by referring to associations with nature, e.g. green relaxes and relaxes like a meadow and a forest, yellow gives energy like sun rays. Although physicists say that color does not exist, that it is only an impression, it is… impressive. It is actually a vibration of light that reaches our senses and is then processed by them. Our perception and perception of colors depends not only on the current light, but also on the gender, age or even the mood and well-being we are in. The vast majority of us on a beautiful, clear day have much more will and energy to live than when we are surrounded by rainy, gray weather.
Color personality analysis
The influence of colors has already been used in prehistoric times in art and therapy. There is a theory, supported by studies of ancient Indo-European languages, that man knew colors starting with black and red. It has been proven that blue was not known in the ancient Sanskrit texts, and its name only appeared later with the development of civilization and the expansion of human vision. Color recognition has become a distinguishing feature of initiated people. The colors also acquired a ritual meaning. They were used in everyday life, dyeing utensils and robes, as well as decorating their own body.
Various personality analysis systems have been developed in recent years, which are based on individual color preferences. The most famous so far remains the Lüscher color test, developed by a Swiss psychologist in 1947. It consists of 43 color samples, although only eight are usually used. Max Lüscher believed that the four primary colors - red, blue, green and yellow - reflect different biological states, and that a he althy person would place these four colors among the first five.
The effect of colors on temperament and emotions
Ongoing color researchresearchers concluded that everyone has a specific arousal potential. This means that it can have a weaker effect on some and a stronger effect on others. Some colors can cause a strong but short-lived reaction quickly, while others are slower but the effect lasts longer. A room in blue gives the impression of cleanliness, freshness, harmony, peace, coolness and refreshment. Due to the healing properties of greenery, it is often painted in hospital interiors.
Undoubtedly, colors affect a person's temperament and emotions. Some energize us (e.g. red or yellow), while others take energy (e.g. gray). In the presence of some people we feel calm and relaxed (blue or green), while others cause irritation or even irritation. Often, even in everyday language, we express our feelings with the help of colors. This can be seen in sayings such as: "To look at the world through rose-colored glasses", "Fall into black despair", "To be green in a given topic."
- Each of us has an individual attitude to colors - says Aleksandra Urbaszek, a psychologist and psychotherapist. We often instinctively give in to them, choosing clothes of a specific color or surrounding ourselves with selected colors in the apartment or in the garden. Most of our reactions, however, are unconscious. Only when we begin to manipulate the properties of colors in an intended manner, can we use their power to improve the quality of life.
We often give them special meaning. Colors have a symbolic meaning for us on a daily basis and can make us judge something completely automatically, stereotypically, e.g. if we see a child dressed in pink, we are even sure that it is a girl, because boys are dressed in blue. If a woman gets red roses from a man, it is evidence of his love, while a yellow flower can mean that he is jealous of her.
The symbolism of colors, also found in flags, differs depending on the country and culture, e.g. in Europe the color of mourning is black, while in Eastern cultures it is white. We are all aware that some colors have a stimulating effect, while others let you calm down. Of course, people differ from each other, but a general simplification can be accepted that extroverts prefer warmer colors, and introverts - cooler shades.
ProblemFavorite colors
Young children all over the world like the color red the most. When they turn eight, they choose cooler colors. More than half of adults in Western Europe think blue is their favorite color. Only Spaniards who prefer red are breaking out here.Older ones like lighter colors more. We can also link the color preferences with geography: Scandinavians prefer green and blue, and people who come from the Mediterranean basin - warmer colors. It is also worth mentioning the scientific research which proved that the colors positively perceived by men are blue, red and green, while in women positive emotions are evoked by white, blue and red.
Colors express certain personality traits
Some people think that a lot can be said about a man by analyzing the colors of his clothes or apartment. Favorite color is not necessarily the one we wear most often - it is rather the one that makes us feel pleasure or at the sight of which.
The color we don't like can also tell a lot, mainly about our weaknesses. Indicates those areas of life that require special attention or discovers wounds from the past that require healing.
Our expert is far from saying that the color we choose most often is the only determinant that determines us. - If someone has been choosing one range of colors for many years, with a high probability it can be said that it is a person internally ordered, knowing what they want.
Often, in the breakthrough moments of life, color preferences may change as well as emotions, e.g. after a relationship breaks up, a woman who has never liked red suddenly starts wearing red clothes. It is a manifestation: "I'm strong, I can handle everything!" At such breakthrough moments, when a new stage of life begins, ladies cut their hair or change its color, which also has a symbolic dimension, says Aleksandra Urbaszek. It also happens that our tastes change and we suddenly define a completely different color as our favorite. Then it is worth analyzing the circumstances in which we found ourselves in life, thanks to which we will be able to explain why this happened.
This will be useful to youWhat do the colors say about you?
REDIt is most often chosen by people who are very active, know what they want and dominate the company. This color helps in states of fatigue and when we lack self-confidence.
PINKSymbolizes affectionate people with an open heart. It soothes the nerves and strengthens internal strength, creates a warm mood.
ORANGESometimes called the color of happiness, it has a very positive and warm association, it awakens the joy of life. People who choose it like to be the helm, sailor and ship themselves.
YELLOWIt is a color associated with the intellect. It gives hope, puts you in a good mood. Those whochoose this color, express their individuality with creative ideas.
GREENThis color helps in achieving harmony and relaxation. It means the need for inner balance and self-focus. It does not stimulate and in excess can even be tiring.
BLUEIt is the color with the greatest number of shades, there are as many as 14,000 !, and maybe that is why it favors creative and artistic aspirations. It helps to gain social recognition, as well as relieve tension and rest, while providing a sense of security.
VIOLETIt is preferred by people interested in the spiritual sphere and religion, as well as human interior, looking for answers to questions about the immaterial nature. They are often perfectionists, they like to have order in every area of life.
BROWNPeople who prefer this color generally do not have excessive needs and keep their feet on the ground. They can be congratulated on their common sense and ability to assess the situation objectively.
WHITESymbolizes purity, lightness, subtlety and neatness. People who choose white often live in an unreal world of appearances, are loners and run away from life. They lack a sense of reality and are often characterized by abstract thinking styles.
GRAYNeutral, calm color. Sometimes it may even suggest conservatism, but also high competence and professionalism. It determines the need for balance and tranquility without manifesting feelings outside. It is the color of hidden emotions.
BLACKWho chooses black loves when there is a lot going on and life brings new challenges. The color of artists who, when looking for inspiration, soak up impressions.
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