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In the event of a heart attack, seconds can decide about your life. How do you know if it's a heart attack? What to do when you see someone is having a heart attack? And what to do if a heart attack catches you, when you are alone?

Someone fainted, lost his balance, felt bad, but returned to himself after a while. Did you know that such inconspicuous events can be the first symptoms of a heart attack?

The essence of myocardial infarction is a significant narrowing or closure of the coronary artery by atherosclerotic plaque or a growing clot on it.

Blood that cannot flow freely does not supply the muscle with sufficient oxygen, and this leads to necrosis in the hypoxic part of the heart.


Heart attack and cough

The induced, compulsory cough in the case of suspicion of a heart attack is unfounded. The effectiveness of such a procedure is a myth.

Heart attack - first aid

The most important and characteristic symptom of a heart attack is chest pain, which is described as severe, burning, pressing or choking. Usually it radiates to the neck, left arm, sometimes to the abdomen.

A heart attack may be accompanied by:

  • shortness of breath
  • pallor
  • poty
  • palpitations
  • heart beat faster

and also:

  • fainting
  • stomach ache
  • nausea
  • low fever

What to do when dealing with these symptoms?

  • in the event of severe chest pain, the patient (or someone from the environment) should immediately call an ambulance - 112 or 999
  • the patient should lie down in a semi-sitting position (with the torso slightly raised), so that his back rests on something stable and comfortable.
  • provide breathing comfort - loosen clothing (e.g. tie, undo the belt in pants, bra). Cover the victim so that he does not feel cold. Do not give anything to drink or eat.
  • you can give a preparation containing acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 150-325 mg (preferably in the form of an uncoated tablet; you should chew it)
  • in a person who has been prescribed a sublingual preparation of nitroglycerin for the immediate relief of coronary ailments in a stable form of the disease, it is possible toadminister a single dose, no pain relief within 3-5 minutes or its intensification should result in an immediate call for an ambulance, if not done before

When vital signs are stopped, we start CPR immediately. Please note that this operation should not be interrupted until the ambulance arrives.

Quick contact to the victim's relatives helps in providing first aid

Accident road, sudden fainting in the street - this can happen to any of us. When we end up in the hands of rescuers, they don't know anything about us.

Therefore, it is worth to mark the number of the person to be contacted in a special way in your mobile phone in the event of a sudden illness or accident.

So that the rescuers do not get lost, we mark this person's number with the international abbreviation ICE (in case of emergency). If you want to enter more than one person, precede their data with ICE1, ICE2 etc.

  • He survived a heart attack, but died because he was not treated. Causes of high mortality after heart attack

Thanks to this, the paramedic or the doctor will quickly obtain information about your blood type, medications, chronic diseases, allergies, etc.

People who do not have cell phones should carry a card with this information for their own safety.

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