Ortolifting slows down the process of losing the elasticity of the facial muscles, and thus delays the appearance of wrinkles. Used in time, it can take us up to 15 years, argue dentists!
Instead of botox and hyaluronic acid for wrinkles - braces? Ortolifting is a new solution in cosmetic dentistry that allows you to take a few years off yourself. Treatment of this type is less invasive than botox and fillers, it is also more durable, and in addition allows for a comparable effect. - Patients after ortolifting, thanks to the widening of the dental arch with the braces, have a more symmetrical face andteeth , lesswrinklesaround the mouth and on the cheeks, also lips and cheeks become fuller and cheekbones more prominent. This type of treatment often replaces face-liftingor complements aesthetic treatments, e.g. mesotherapy - explains the drug. stom. Wojciech Fąferko from the Dentim Clinic Implantology and Orthodontics Center in Katowice.
Equal teeth mean fewer wrinkles
Why does Tom Cruise look no more than 35 despite his 50 years old? According to specialists, this is due to orthodontic treatment, which was performed before the age of 40. the actor surrendered. The so-called ortolifting, i.e. orthodontic treatment that allows to improve the flexibility of the facial muscles, widens the dental arch and enables full smiling, is increasingly used in Polish surgeries. It not only allows you to stop the aging process of a smile, but also rejuvenates it for several years.
- Today at the dentist's office we can find more and more orthodontic solutions that improve the aesthetics of a mature smile. For many years, these were solutions reserved mainly for young patients who had their bite corrected in this way. Today, thanks to modern cameras, we are able to treat 35, 40 or 45-year-olds who want to have a smile again like a 20-year-old, and at the same time fewer wrinkles. Moreover, such treatment also corrects anatomical imperfections, including the shape of the jaw and the length of the face - it can make the face more long, the drug explains. stom. Wojciech Fąferko.
Braces as an anti-aging tool
Ortolifting is an orthodontic treatment that usesthe most modern orthodontic appliances with the so-called the Damon System. Compared to traditional braces, these braces do not use metal or flexible ligatures that keep the teeth in the correct position while wearing the braces. The use of this solution means that the forces with which the orthodontic appliance acts on the teeth are properly balanced, and orthodontic treatment is additionally coordinated with the natural work of the facial muscles, tongue and jaw bones. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the discomfort associated with wearing the camera. As this system generates low forces, there is no need to extract teeth, and thus the treatment itself becomes minimally invasive.
- The effect of such treatment is, above all, an even and symmetrical smile, with the correct alignment of the teeth, diastema closure and the correct length of the teeth. It also affects the overall appearance of the face. The correct positioning of the teeth and their length create a support for the facial skin, preventing it from sagging quickly. It also reduces the risk of early wrinkles appearing around the mouth. The soft tissues in the middle of the face, especially the upper lip, are also better supported. Ortolifting also changes your entire facial expression. Aligned teeth that provide support, raise the corners of the mouth, which makes the face brighter and less tired, explains Dr. Fąferko.
Ortolifting also serves he alth
Patients of all ages can freely use orthofilting. It is used, but not only to improve the appearance and rejuvenate a smile. Dentists also pay attention to other medical functions of this type of treatment. - By improving the position of the teeth, we speak clearly, not lisp, articulate syllables properly. Often, this type of treatment is a therapy that allows you to eliminate sleep apnea and problems with the upper respiratory tract.
Adult orthodontics
What is adult orthodontics? How does orthodontic treatment affect our facial features? Listen to our expert.