DDD syndrome (adult children from dysfunctional families) is a common problem for people who grew up at home, where the parents did not fully fulfill their functions in relation to the child. Often, such people feel its effects in their adult life. Take the test and see if you may have DDD syndrome.
DDDs are typically childhood witnesses or victims of domestic violence, people who have not received enough attention and support from adult caregivers. Importantly, these are not always people who were raised by an adult with alcoholism. In adulthood, they feel unworthy, lost, and have difficulty establishing relationships.
People struggling with the DDD syndrome should go to psychotherapy if, despite being aware of the problem, they are unable to manage their own emotions on their own. The main goal of such therapy is to provide support and identify new solutions that will help you deal with the problem.
Take the online test and find out if you may have DDD syndrome.
Remember that the online test is not the same as the diagnosis. Its only purpose is to help you identify a possible problem. If necessary, seek professional help from a therapist.