Anemia is a disorder related to the composition of the blood, which in most cases affects women (approx. 80%). Untreated anemia can lead to the development of serious diseases. In order to react properly, you should first of all carefully observe your body and body. Take the online test and see if you have symptoms of anemia.
Anemia develops because there is not enough or not enough hemoglobin in red blood cells called erythrocytes. Women of childbearing age are particularly prone to anemia. It is associated with excessive blood loss during menstruation. There are also frequent cases of anemia in pregnant women caused by iron deficiency.
Anemia is diagnosed on the basis of the results of tests of the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. These norms vary depending on the age and sex of the patient. Importantly, the degree of hemoglobin deficiency is usually associated with the severity of symptoms, therefore a division into mild, severe and moderate anemia has been established.
Make sure you have cause for concern before doing your research. Take the online test to see if these might be symptoms of anemia.
Remember that the online test is not the same as the diagnosis. Contact your doctor for professional help.