There is no need to convince anyone that technology has become an integral part of our lives. Currently, most of us cannot imagine a day without Internet access or mobile devices, and technology companies are outdoing each other in ideas to improve our everyday life. However, it is worth considering how technologies can not only help us quickly order a taxi or keep in touch with friends, but also in the ongoing monitoring of our he alth.
Not only physical activity and diet
Along with the growing fashion for a he althy lifestyle, the recipe for he alth has become regular gymnastics and responsible calorie planning. As a result, smart watches have gained the greatest popularity among devices used to monitor the condition of our body. They not only took the wrists of gym enthusiasts by storm, but also corporate employees, for whom they became a symbol of belonging to a group that is up-to-date with the latest technological innovations.
It should be remembered, however, that although exercise and a balanced diet may contribute to the improvement of well-being, appearance and overall physical fitness, the same HEALTH is a much deeper concept. Therefore, if we want to take care of ourselves with due diligence, we should monitor not only the overall efficiency of our body, but also, for example, the condition of our teeth. The latest generation toothbrushes may prove helpful.
Intelligent brushing assistant
Although brushing your teeth at first glance may seem like an activity that each of us has mastered to perfection, and intelligent toothbrushes are an exaggeration and an unnecessary gadget, the situation is not that simple. It turns out that although most of us have a developed habit of morning and evening teeth brushing from childhood, most of us do it incorrectly. We lack the appropriate technique, precision or simply patience, which is why we brush carelessly and definitely shorter than the recommended 2 minutes.
Additionally, we visit dental offices definitely too rarely. And this is where modern electric toothbrushes can help us, which not only allows for ongoing he alth monitoringof our mouth, but also help to develop appropriate habits.
There are several basic recommendations for proper tooth brushing, which can be briefly limited to the following rules:
1. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day,in the morning and in the evening
2. Brushing your teeth should take2 minutesif using an electric toothbrush and about 3 minutes if using a manual toothbrush
3. Every area of the mouth, includingback teeth , should be brushed with equal care
4. Due to the cleaning power, it is worth usingelectric toothbrushes , preferably with a round head, because their shape, similar to professional dental tools, allows not only to fully cover the entire surface of the tooth, but also to reach the surface of the tooth. interdental spaces
5. Electric toothbrush heads should be replaced every three months
The functions of modern electric toothbrushes have been designed in such a way that all these principles become an integral part of the morning brushing. Thanks to this, they not only help to thoroughly clean the teeth, but thanks to their properties, they also have a chance to become our private assistant in the area of oral hygiene.
How it's working?
Author: Oral-B
The basic functions of intelligent electric toothbrushes include:
• Pressure control- special rings, which are equipped with the most modern electric toothbrushes, use light signals to warn you when you brush too hard, helping to protect our gums.
• Timer- although as mentioned earlier, we should brush our teeth for 2 minutes, the average duration of washing is still 60 seconds. It is caused, among others, by the fact that each of us has a different sense of time, and when getting ready to work in the morning, it is often difficult to count down the prescribed time that we should spend brushing teeth with a watch in hand. That is why most modern electric toothbrushes are equipped with special timers. The best ones are those that measure time in 30-second intervals, which allows you to devote the same time and precision to each quarter of our mouth.
• Position Detection Technology- the feature was created a few years ago by Oral-B experts and forms the basis of theOral-B Geniusof this brand. In short, it is using video image recognitionusing the camera located in the smartphone, we are able to monitor the areas of the oral cavity we clean in real time, ensuring that none of the areas is overlooked. Thanks to this, we can forget about not washing our back teeth!
• Mobile applications- the latest generation electric toothbrushes allow you to connect to a smartphone application, which not only, as in the case of the aforementioned Oral-B Genius model, allows you to monitor our cleaning, but also reminds, for example, about replacing the tips or visiting the dentist.
• Various cleaning modes- although each of us has to clean our teeth twice a day for 2 minutes, it is worth realizing that our similarities in the area of oral hygiene end. Each of us has our own needs and goals in this regard. Some of us have problems with delicate gums, others want to focus on e.g. whitening. That's why the extensive cleaning modes on smart brushes can help. It is worth getting to know each of them and choose the one that suits you best.
As you can see, intelligent toothbrushes can be an invaluable gadget in our bathroom. It is worth remembering about this when thinking about, for example, a gift for the forthcoming Christmas. Everyone will surely be pleased with such a private assistant who will not only take care of our he alth, but also provide a beautiful smile and greater self-confidence every day.