Hello, Doctor, I am 36 years old, I am a woman, I have been a smoker for 16 years. At the moment, cigarettes are rejecting me. For some time now I have felt shortness of breath, both during the day and at night, manifested by the feeling of not being able to take a breath - choking. I have not been smoking for 4 months (the reason was this shortness of breath). I don't snore loudly, my husband says that I "snore" once in a while, I cough, sometimes my choking wakes him up. I sometimes wake up at night for no reason - usually at the same time - it's 3.45 am - at this time of birth I was resuscitated and this is how I explain it to myself;). I had a lung X-ray, which showed nothing. 4 months ago I had a blood count, ESR, blood smear - the results were normal. Sometimes I also feel a feeling of disturbance in my throat - ENT examination showed "no changes". From other symptoms, I smell pus from my throat and nose - confirmed by the surroundings as a bad smell from the mouth.

The symptoms of the Lady are not specific to one disease. The causes of periodic shortness of breath can be very different. You have not had the most important test, i.e. spirometry, performed so far, which would show how your bronchi are working properly, whether you have an obstructive disease (reduced flow) related to e.g. smoking. As for the smell of pus from the throat and nose, it may indicate inflammation of the sinuses - there may be nothing in the throat, but was there a sinus examination - even a simple x-ray? I would suggest completing the diagnostics in the directions I have mentioned.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Monika Paulina Kuźmińska, MD, PhD

Dr. Monika Paulina Kuźmińska, MD, internist, specialist in lung diseases, member of the European Respiratory Society and the Polish Sleep Research Society.

For several years he has been dealing with the issues of breathing disorders during sleep, with particular emphasis on obstructive apnea. He assesses polysomnographic tests in several centers diagnosing breathing disorders during sleep in Warsaw.

In 2013, she defended her doctoral dissertation on: Breathing disorders during sleep in adults, taking into account the impact of weight reduction on the indicators of polysomnography.

Diagnoses, consults and conservatively treats patients with diagnosed syndromeobstructive apnea at the Hospital of Prof. In Orłowski, he cooperates with the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw at the Czerniakowski Hospital in Warsaw.

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