Nebulization is a procedure in which drugs in the form of aerosols are administered directly to the lower or upper respiratory tract. Because nebulization requires a nebulizer - a device that changes the drug from a liquid form to a delicate mist. Nebulization is recommended for many respiratory diseases, ranging from viral infections to asthma to COPD, and it can also be used when there is a need to moisturize the respiratory tract. How to perform nebulization so that it would help, not harm?

Nebulizationis a procedure that is more and more often ordered by doctors - and which is becoming more and more popular among patients. This form of drug administration - bypassing the gastrointestinal tract - has a number of advantages: the precisely dosed drug substance quickly reaches the site of the ongoing infection, and the fact that the drug is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract reduces the risk of possible side effects.
Nebulization is a simple procedure, but to be able to perform it, you need a nebulizer, i.e. a device that will turn the liquid medicine into a gentle aerosol. What exactly is nebulization, what drugs can be administered in this way? How to properly carry out nebulization and are there any contraindications for this treatment?
Nebulization - what is it?
Nebulization consists in inhaling the medicinal mist, created by the nebulizer from the drug in the form of a suspension or solution. The nebulizer is equipped with a special mask or mouthpiece: after putting them on, the molecules of the medicinal substance present in the mist produced by the device get into the mouth or nose (depending on the therapeutic indications), and from there, with each inhalation, they go to the upper or lower respiratory tract allowing the drug to work locally.
Not without significance is the fact that the drug administered in this way reaches its destination - and starts working - much faster than in the traditional way, and it is easier to achieve high local drug concentrations.
Nebulization - how to perform it correctly?
How to perform nebulization? How it is done depends both on the type of nebuliser you have and the medication your doctor has prescribed. However, it is worth remembering that induring nebulization:
- the correct position is important. In general, nebulization is performed in a sitting or semi-sitting position, but some types of nebulizers also allow nebulization to be carried out on people who are lying down, or even while sleeping
- the nebulization solution must be properly prepared - you must follow the instructions or recommendations of your doctor exactly
- the nebulization mask must adhere tightly to the skin
- during nebulization, breathe slowly and calmly - crying (e.g. in the case of children) makes this procedure difficult or even impossible
- nebulization takes quite a long time and should not be interrupted as long as there is still medicine in the cup
- After the treatment, you need to wash your face, and in the case of some medications, e.g. glucocorticosteroids, also your teeth and mouth, and then thoroughly wash the nebulizer cup.
If the nebulizer is used by several people, each of them must use separate masks and mouthpieces - this is especially important when the nebulizer is used to administer medications in the case of upper or lower respiratory tract infections.
In what diseases is nebulization worth using?
Nebulization is recommended for many diseases. It is especially often carried out in infants and young children, who can be administered the medication quickly and effectively using a nebuliser.
It can also be used in people who find it difficult to administer the medicine in a different way (or it is impossible, e.g. due to loss of consciousness). This treatment is also often recommended for adults in the case of:
- the need to moisturize the respiratory tract with saline
- upper and lower respiratory tract infections
- asthma,
- emphysema
- COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
- chronic bronchitis
- fungal infection of the respiratory system
- postoperative conditions.
What medications can be used for nebulization?
During nebulization, you can use medications prescribed by a doctor, and on your own, also substances used for inhalation, such as saline and its solutions with the addition of auxiliary substances, e.g. hyaluronic acid or hypertonic s alt.
Medicines can be administered with the nebulizer:
- anti-inflammatory (e.g. glucocorticosteroids)
- some antibiotics
- mucolytic drugs, i.e. thinning the secretion in the bronchi and making it easier to expectorate
- bronchodilators
Withinsome groups of drugs can also be combined with each other treatment - however, such a procedure can only be performed on the recommendation of a doctor and in the case when it is impossible to administer the drug in a different way or perform two consecutive nebulisations (e.g. in the case of small children who are unable to withstand nebulization treatment).
Contraindications to nebulization
Nebulization, although very effective, is not a procedure suitable for everyone. Contraindications to nebulization are primarily respiratory failure (which is not related to bronchial obstruction), severe heart failure, respiratory haemorrhage, and chronic respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis or some types of cancer.