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The sea wasp, or Chironex fleckeri jellyfish, is one of the most dangerous creatures for humans. The venom from her stinging stick can kill you in minutes. Where does box jellyfish occur and what to do if you fail to avoid its venom?

Sea wasp( Chironex fleckeri , deadly squat,box jellyfish ) is considered to be the most dangerous species among jellyfish. How not to meet a sea wasp? Do not go into the water off the northern coast of Australia, because it is there most of the prowls. The sea wasp, also known as box jellyfish, can also be found on the shores of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Unlike other jellyfish, the sea wasp rests on the bottom of the sea without moving unless it is disturbed. The sea wasp kills more swimmers and snorkelers than sharks and rays combined.

Sea wasp - what is it?

The sea wasp is a jellyfish. It has a transparent, jelly-like body the size of a box with a diameter of 16 to 24 cm, although some are 35 cm in diameter. In addition, undulating antennae equipped with stings full of deadly venom, up to 3 meters long. The stingrays release venom even when cut. The amount of venom accumulated in the stingers of one antennae is enough to kill 60 people.

Scientists have long wondered why nature created a jellyfish as dangerous as a biological weapon. It turned out that everything has its justification. The sea wasp feeds on prawns that have a hard shell. A throwing victim could severely injure the sensitive body of the jellyfish. The sea wasp must therefore kill instantly.

It is good to know that sea wasps approach the shorelines during breeding, which increases their caution and aggression - this in turn leads to an attack. The sea wasp lives an average of a year.

Burned by a sea wasp. What to do?

The poison attacks the skin, nervous system and heart at the same time. After contact with jellyfish, the following appear on the skin:

After being burned by a sea wasp, it can lead to arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, pulmonary edema and respiratory collapse.

  • red, incredibly painful stripes on the skin (like after whipping)
  • shortness of breath
  • The symptom of a delayed reaction may be an intensely itchy skin rash(it appears a few days after the burn and clears up within 10 days. It may persist for several weeks occasionally)

After being burned by a sea wasp, pour vinegar on the red stripes on your skin. It closes threads filled with venom. The wound should be doused with vinegar for at least 30 seconds, then carefully remove any adherent tentacles. When no vinegar is available, the wound should be sprinkled with s alt water (but not fresh water, e.g. from a bottle). Do not pour alcohol on the skin - it activates the stingers that the jellyfish leaves in the victim's body and they inject subsequent portions of poison.

Sea wasp - how to prevent burns?

  • if you are going to go swimming - only use the patrolled bathing areas, listen to local news
  • in warmer months, when there is a threat of a sea wasp, swim in a protective suit
  • have a first aid kit on hand, including vinegar

Source: Documentary

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