Strengthening the immune system in the fall can help in the fight against colds in the coldest season. In the natural strengthening of the body's defense system, substances contained in some plants can help. How to strengthen your immunity? How to strengthen the immune system?

TheEchinaceais the most thoroughly tested, followed byaloeandginseng . Scientists have confirmed that extracts from these plants stimulate immune cells to work better. Similar effects, although not so well researched, are also known in Polish cuisine: nettle, dandelion and licorice.

These plants will help your body with disease

Echinacea purpurea is a species of plant from the Asteraceae family. It is not suitable for use in the kitchen, but it is used for making medicinal preparations, similar to the extracts of ginseng root and aloe leaves. They contain quite powerful compounds and should not be used for more than 6 weeks. Aloe - monocotyledon succulent - you can grow it yourself in a pot and use it for strengthening tinctures.

This winter must not be missing in your pantry!

When the infection season comes, it's a good idea to additionally boost your immune system by eating every day:

  • garlic: contains vitamins, selenium and alliacin, which is a sulfur compound with antibacterial properties;
  • ginger: contains essential oil as well as gingerol and shogaol to give it a pungent taste and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • honey: contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids, amino acids and enzymes, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, increases immunity and protects the respiratory tract against the development of infections.

C - the most important vitamin

The human body cannot store vitamin C, so you need to eat a good source of it every day. The average person needs about 70 mg of this vitamin a day, but in the autumn and winter period this dose can even be doubled. This amount is provided by: 10 grams of fresh or frozen black currants, 30 grams of kiwi, 30 grams of lemons, 45 grams of mandarins, 10 grams of red pepper, 15 grams of kale or 7 grams of parsley. It is important to eat these foods several times a day as vitamin C easily escapes from the body (via the urinary system).

monthly "Zdrowie"
