Armillaria honey is a very interesting species of mushroom. On the one hand, it is desired by gourmets and valued as an edible mushroom species, and on the other hand, it is a pest that is feared by foresters and orchard owners. This is because it causes a massive dying off of trees.
Armillaria mellea( Armillaria mellea ) is also called armillaria mellea, agaric mushroom, arugula, and also. It is an edible mushroom that is very common in our country. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy to see him. Its appearance heralds the inevitable dying of trees, as it is the largest pest in Polish forests.
Honey fungus - characteristics
Honey fungus islamellar fungusquite small fruiting bodies usually found inlarge clustersaroundtree trunks and roots . It creates the characteristicmushroom cordsfrom the roots to the branches. Young specimens can be recognized by their honey color, while older mushrooms are brown or even red.
Honey agaric is found on all continents except Antarctica and South America, but is most common inCentral Europe . It preferably grows in deciduous forests, but it also happens to be seen on trunks of conifers.
Honey fungus is a parasitic fungus that attacks both dead and young tree species. It causes the so-calledwhite rot of wood , which often leads to massive dieback of deciduous trees.
At the same time, it is also an edible mushroom (of course after heat treatment) liked by gourmets. The honey fungus season lastsfrom August to the end of November .
What can you confuse honey fungus with?
Honey fungus can be confused with the edibledark fungus , which occurs mainly on conifers, and also withringless fungus , which is devoid of the ring.
Unfortunately, the honey fungus is also similar to poisonous mushrooms, such as:
- bundle buttermilk(yellow flesh, bitter taste and sour smell);
- ruffled shellfish(has an orange hat as well as yellow and bitter flesh).
Opieńkahoney - nutritional values
Like every mushroom, the honey mushroom is also not a rich source of nutrients, but it contains small amounts of minerals such as phosphorus, sodium and calcium.
Armillaria honey - what does it taste like? Can armillaria be poisonous?
Young armillaria has a white flesh that is soft and fleshy. It becomes hard and stringy in older specimens. Connoisseurs appreciate honey marshmallows for their delicate taste and aroma somewhat reminiscent of Camembert cheese. Young hats are especially suitable for preparation, the shafts are often stringy.
Opieńki are the most edible mushrooms, but only after their proper preparation, i.e. thorough cooking for at least30-40 minutes . Then they can be pickled, fried or stewed. Raw or undercooked mushrooms can even bepoisonous . It's also important to know that inhaling the fumes themselves while cooking can be harmful and cause headaches. You should also throw away any cooking water. Experts also do not recommend combining foam with alcohol.
Why does the honey fungus glow at night?
Armillaria honey can boast an unusual feature in the world of mushrooms - it can glow in the darkgreenish light . How it's possible? Well, this is the phenomenon ofbioluminescence(calledfoxfirein the case of opieńka) observed in only 40 species of fungi worldwide. Chemical processes in the cells of this fungus are responsible for them. These unusual properties have already been used by, among others, soldiers in the trenches of World War I.
As determined by the researchers, opieńki start to glow around 17.30 (then they have the greatest power) and they finish in the morning, around 7.30.