How do you awaken your lust and squirt the desire for sex again? Susan Crain Bakos, an American authority in the field of sex and author of the best-selling books on sexual techniques, proposes a special set of physical exercises aimed at arousing sexual energy. The exercises will help you gain erotic confidence, ignite your senses and prepare your body for a love session. Here are 6 steps to awakening your sexuality.
What has a physical condition to want sex? In fact, more than we think. Here are some exercises to give you sex appeal and confidence in bed.
Physical activity affects libido
Research by scientists from the Duke University Medical Center showed that only one in a hundred obese people were satisfied with their sex life, and one in four admitted that they avoided intimate situations. It has been shown that obese people who take less exercise and do not exercise are less active in the bedroom. They are lethargic, sluggish and more likely to suffer from various kinds of sexual dysfunction.
In turn, scientists from the University of Texas in Austin found thatwomen who perform at least 20 minutes a day of exerciseassociated with strenuous work of the heart and respiratory system,show greater sexual excitability and being more satisfied with their erotic life . No wonder - movement makes us feel energized, relaxed and satisfied with ourselves, so why not bring this state directly into the bedroom?
If your sex drive has dropped significantly or you have always lacked confidence in bed, now you have the opportunity to change it by doing erotic training developed by specialists from Gymbox from London. Exercises are aimed at improving the condition of the pelvic muscles, stimulating erotic awareness and strengthening sexual energy. With time, you will feel that you understand your body and its needs better, and this is just a step away from becoming a real sex volcano!
Get tired
First, a warm-up. Start with your favorite workout - jogging, dancing, cycling, etc., so that your body is as warm as possible before the next exercise. As you exercise, imagine spicy scenes with you. Visualize them and try to channel the energysexual towards the genitals. You should feel a slight thrill of excitement that will encourage you to bolder fantasies.
Bend your body boldly
Remember the sexy dancers from the clip "Call on me" by Eric Prydz? Try to imitate their movements.
Stand with your legs apart, bend your knees, place your hands on your hips and push your pelvis forward. Perform sensual circulation around the hips. Take turns to accelerate and slow down traffic. Move your hips rhythmically back and forth. Start by rocking slowly. As you push your hips forward, inhale and tighten your Kegel muscles as you point them backward - breathe out and relax your vaginal muscles. Move your hips faster and faster. You can go for a sexy Shakira style belly dance or an erotic lap dance style - no holds barred. Don't be afraid to fantasize about your body at the same time. The more indecent the thought, the better.
See an example of a sexy aerobic workout that you will do at home
Lascivious kitten
This exercise, like the previous ones, will help you strengthen and develop your pelvic muscles.
Kneel on all fours. Lower your torso and push your buttocks firmly. Rock them from side to side, back and forth for 1-3 minutes. Your pelvis should be as relaxed as possible. Then make slow circles with them, alternately tightening and relaxing your Kegel muscles.
Now turn on your back and shoulder exercises. Stretch like a cat: stretch your arms outstretched in front of you and push your buttocks upwards so that you feel a pleasant relaxation of the back muscles. Then, lean on your outstretched arms and stretch your legs out. Push your breast forward and tilt your head back. Do several series of such stretching. Come back to the starting position. Tighten your Kegel muscles and inhale as you tilt your head, then relax your vaginal muscles and release air from your lungs as you lift your head. Vary the pace of your movements by adjusting your pace of breathing and contracting your Kegel muscles. Exercise 3-5 minutes.
Lioness of Prey
This exercise will help you gain erotic confidence and feel good in your own body.
Get into a position on all fours, lower your torso low, and bulge your buttocks. By relaxing your chest and back muscles, rock your pelvis back and forth for 3 minutes. Then smoothly move to a position where you support yourself on straight arms and straighten your legs. As you move, breathe in and squeeze your buttocks lightly. Return to the starting position as you exhale and relax your pelvis and buttocks. Repeat the exercise for 3 minutes.
Sensual dance
Sensual twirlinghips to the beat of the music can be incredibly exciting. It is best to do this in front of a large mirror. Don't you look sexy?
Sway your hips slowly and join in the arm movements. Move on to laps, lazily at first, then faster and faster. Dance in this way for at least 5 minutes, going up to 15 on the days when you have more time to exercise. Use your awakened energy After all stages of training, your body should be strongly awake, also erotic. It is worth using this potential to give yourself the greatest pleasure … Gently massage the area of the vulva, the inside of the thighs and the perineum with your hand. Think of your body as the sexiest thing in the world. Imagine you are spreading desire all over your body with your hand. Achieve an orgasm without stopping the massage. Just after climaxing, continue to stimulate your genitals, perhaps giving yourself one more orgasm. You will be surprised by the intensity of your pleasure - a powerful shiver will pierce you from the top of your head to your heels.
Worth knowingDancing is a great way to gain more confidence. To awaken your senses, feel more feminine and sexy,sign up for Latin dance classes . They are very sensual and teach the art of seduction. Close contact with a partner, working with the hips and pelvis in every woman will awaken hidden sexual potential.
Which dance should you choose so that the effort on the dance floor translates into a better experience in the bedroom? Here are the recommended styles:
- salsa
- kizomba
- bachata
- rumba
- argentinian tango
- cha-cha
- pole dance (pole dance)
- belly dance
The final stage of the training is to calm your mind and body. Close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply. Concentrate your thoughts on the experiences you just lived. Enjoy a moment of blissful relaxation and try to fall asleep. Do the training as often as you can.
In between sessions, take care of your body, think about it positively and try to fulfill all its sexual desires. When you free yourself from your complexes and start to boldly meet his needs, you will be emitting sexual energy.