I am 35 years old and for some time (about 2 years) I have had trouble with fast orgasm - about 3-4 minutes. I have intercourse with my wife quite often, but I satisfy her with French love. I don't take any medications, even though I have a mild high blood pressure, how can I prevent this?

What you are describing is called premature ejaculation. This problem occurs quite often in men. Most often, the causes of this problem are psychological - stress, tension, resulting either from the relationship between partners (e.g. deterioration of the relationship, fear of failing to perform the role of a lover) or resulting from stressful situations at work, in the family, etc. Also, limiting sexual contacts may cause the appearance of premature ejaculation. An unhe althy lifestyle also has a negative impact: smoking, drinking too much alcohol, drugs, lack of exercise, stress. Thus, these disorders cause even greater anxiety and stress, lowering self-esteem and fear of sexual intercourse, which may aggravate the problem even more - then a vicious circle begins to form.
There are effective treatments for premature ejaculation, both alone and with the help of your partner. For this purpose, it would be worth going, together with your partner, to a sexologist who will suggest you an appropriate method of treatment.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Magdalena Krzak (Bogdaniuk)

Psychologist, psychotherapist, clinical sexologist and forensic sexologist. He has a Clinical Sexologist Certificate, awarded by the Polish Society of Sexology, after completing full specialization in clinical sexology in Warsaw, and a Court Sexologist Certificate. He deals with the treatment of sexual disorders in women and men. He works both individually and with couples. She conducts psychotherapy for victims of sexual violence. He conducts diagnostics and psychological support for transsexual people.

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