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The long-awaited and planned vacation may end in he alth problems if, when going on vacation, we take a bathing suit and sunglasses, and leave common sense at home …

To leave only nice memories after your vacation, avoid:

  • Excessive tanning

A moderate tan reduces age, slims and makes us feel more attractive. But everyone should use the sun wisely (especially in the tropics). We protect the skin with sunscreen creams - start with SPF 50, and then use 30. However, if we overdo sunbathing, we will burn the skin. One must not forget to protect the eyes and head from excessive sun. Overheating the head may result in heat stroke, and excessive exposure of the eyes not only causes conjunctivitis, but also increases the risk of melanoma.

  • Dehydration of the body

Dehydration is the result of the body losing water and electrolytes. The latter are necessary for proper functioning, therefore the result of dehydration is water and electrolyte imbalance, which is a very dangerous condition for he alth and life. The risk of dehydration is greatest in young children, the elderly and those who are overweight, the disabled, and those taking diuretics.

  • Eat anywhere

Food poisoning occurs when we eat in unreliable bars or restaurants, in bazaars, or when we store food in inappropriate conditions. A proven method is to eat in places where the locals dine. The causes of poisoning can be: unwashed vegetables and fruits, dirty hands, poorly stored ice cream or contaminated water. Symptoms of food poisoning can range from troublesome indigestion, to flatulence, to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The most dangerous are mushroom poisoning.

  • Lush erotic life

Summer is conducive to flirting, but having sex with a random person, especially without protection, in addition to a moment of pleasure, can provide us with stronger impressions. It is possible to contract a sexually transmitted disease. Among them are: HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, chlamydia and HPV - the human papillomavirus that promotes the development of cervical cancer.All of these infections take long and sometimes very strenuous treatment, so risky sexual behavior does not pay off. An unplanned pregnancy may also be a consequence of accidental intercourse.

More in the August issue of Zdrowiaw on sale from July 13

monthly "Zdrowie"

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